$5 is the contribution supporters like you give most often.

Ilhan for Congress

$5 — that’s the amount our supporters chip in the most often, team.

That’s not the kind of donation you get from a corporate PAC or a mega-donor — it’s a grassroots donation that people like you give to emails like this one. That’s because Ilhan always puts people first — never corporations like Big Pharma or Big Oil that are dead-set on blocking our progress.

Now that we have a conservative Democrat challenger and our primary is officially underway, it’s more important than ever that we keep up our grassroots fundraising so Ilhan can stay in Congress and keep fighting for bold, progressive change.

In 2020, our primary opponent and ultraconservative donors poured millions of dollars into our race, so we have to build a strong foundation to prepare for the battles ahead.

So we’ve set a $5,000 mid-month fundraising goal to stay on track, and we’re counting on supporters like you to chip in $5 — or any amount you can — to help us reach it by midnight tomorrow.

Will you donate $5 ahead of our deadline so we have the resources to get out the vote for Ilhan and strong progressives up and down the ballot? Ilhan doesn’t take a penny from corporate PACs, so we mean it when we say your contributions power our movement.


From passing Medicare for All, to guaranteeing housing, Ilhan is working to make a lasting difference for everyone — no matter their income or ZIP code.

Thank you for being a part of our movement to do just that.

Team Ilhan