Friends and fellow patriots,

Did you get your email from Lt Gov Dan Patrick explaining why he doesn't ask Abbott to call a Special Session? It was a bit convoluted, but while I disagree with his reasoning, I do appreciate that he is engaging and responding. Perhaps for such a dire time as this he should make an exception to his self-imposed rules.

As the Republican House seems to further crumble with each passing day... from the purple session to the Bonnen scandal to the Poncho scandal... it is important that we make another round of calls for a Special Session.

Only Abbott can call a Special, but politicians respond to whomever applies the most pressure. We must be that pressure on our State Reps, our State Senators, the Lt Gov, and Gov Abbott.

Gov Abbott 512-463-2000; [email protected]

Lt Gov Dan Patrick 512-463-0001; [email protected]

Find your State Rep and Senator here:

For those who prefer a script, here's a sample... "In light of the purple session and multiple scandals in the House, I'm asking you to make a public request for a Special Session. We need a better plan for the Republican Party in Texas."

Thank you for being a part of saving Texas!

Julie McCarty, CEO
True Texas Project

PS.  It's just 4 calls and 4 emails.  Do it!

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*Mar 24 - dinner at Cane's in Euless
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