Hello John,
I’m delighted to announce that CCL’s June Conference will be in person in Washington, DC on June 12th-13th. There’s nothing more fundamental to our work than gathering together. The conference will help turn your climate alarm into sustained action that you can take at home all year.
Don’t miss:
- Hearing from Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI), a powerful climate champion.
- Participating in strategic planning for your member of Congress. Choose the session that best matches the politics of your member.
- Getting trained up to lobby your members of Congress with our Climate Advocate Training Workshop. We offer this online, but it’s better in person!
As much as you’ll love the conference program, you might find the hallway discussions and the connections you make at lunch and dinner even better. I’d love to see you there!
Kind regards,

PS. The Early Bird rate ends April 30th, be sure to register by then to save $50 on registration.