Hey --

Long before I became a candidate for the U.S. Senate, I was a teacher -- for ten years actually. The education of our youth is so unbelievably important to me, and it breaks my heart when our kids are robbed of any opportunity to learn and reach their full potential.

Betsy Devos doesn't share that value. She's happy to strip quality education and opportunity away from our children. In fact, as a staunch supporter of "school choice," she's been opposed to quality public education her entire life, tearing down our schools all along the way.

Public education is personal to me. DeVos believes that funding for public schools should be funneled to private and for-profit enterprises.

And we can't let that happen. Can you sign our petition and tell Betsy DeVos to abandon her war on public education?

School choice is a scam to take tax dollars away from our public institutions and make private companies rich -- and our kids aren't a resource to be tapped for private profit.

DeVos is happy to renege on decades of public education to help make private companies rich on tax dollars meant for our kids.

I won't have it. When I worked as a teacher I was dedicated to my students, and as a U.S. Senator, I'll continue to fight for their future.

Tell Besty DeVos to support our schools and empower our children -- say no to "school choice" and no to stealing from our public schools.

Thank you for your support,

Eddie Mauro

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P.O. Box 21099
Des Moines, IA 50321