The momentum is building behind our campaign and we have some exciting news to show for it: Senator Nina Turner endorsed Alexandra Hunt for Congress.




The momentum is building behind our campaign and we have exciting news to show for it: Senator Nina Turner endorsed Alexandra Hunt for Congress.

Senator Nina Turner is a fierce voice for working class Ohioans. She spent her career serving the people of Northeast Ohio, including in the Ohio State Senate, as a member of the Cleveland City Council, and as National Co-Chair of Senator Bernie Sanders’ 2016 and 2020 presidential campaigns.

Here’s what Senator Nina Turner had to say about Alexandra:

Senator Turner relaunched her congressional campaign this January and it has hit the ground running. Like us Senator Turner is dedicated to fighting for critical legislation like Medicare for All and the Green New Deal, is a bulldog for her constituents, and she, too, is taking on a corrupt right-wing corporate Democrat.

Senator Turner’s endless advocacy and unbroken ferocity is an inspiration to us all. We are so excited to have her in our corner.

We are incredibly grateful for the faith that Senator Turner and so many millions have put in behind our movement. Will you join our growing coalition of fed up people ready to fight for a better world with a $25 contribution today?

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We hope you’ll consider taking a stand by joining Senator Nina Turner and Alexandra in their last ditch fight to take back our Democracy.

In solidarity, 

Team Hunt



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Alexandra Hunt for Congress
PO Box 5615
Philadelphia, PA 19129

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