Fellow Conservative,
We're $1,821 shy of our monthly fundraising goal and your contribution for this donation period is UNACCOUNTED FOR.
View your official House Conservatives Trust donation record below:
HCT Supporter: Fellow Conservative
Supporter ID #: HCT-2022-3928
[email protected]
Donation Status:
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Pitch in $55
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Pitch in $85
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Other Amount
We rely on you to step up for HCT with your generous monthly gift, but this month we have yet to hear back from you, Fellow Conservative.
That means we may be unable to support principled conservative candidates as they work to ensure every American has the opportunity to pursue the American dream.
You’ve built a reputation as someone who knows when to step up for conservative candidates and causes. Still, I have not heard back from you yet as HCT faces a CRITICAL deadline.
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Correct your record NOW
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Correct my official HCT Donor Record. >>>
Thank you,
Deadline Alerts via House Conservatives Trust
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Correct my Donor Record
Paid for by House Conservatives Trust, a joint fundraising committee authorized by and composed of Jim Banks for Congress and House Conservatives Fund
PO Box 30844, Bethesda MD 20824
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House Conservatives Trust
PO BOX 30844, Bethesda, MD, 20824 USA
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