From Nancy DiNardo <[email protected]>
Subject Join us in supporting Jahana Hayes
Date March 14, 2022 7:14 PM
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John, now that Connecticut’s new election maps are finalized, we need your help ensuring that Democrats in tough races up and down the ballot have the support they need to win this year.

That’s why we’re reaching out today about Rep. Jahana Hayes, who is running for reelection in one of Connecticut’s most competitive Congressional districts.

As the first African American woman in Connecticut’s history to serve in Congress, Jahana has been a champion for affordable health care for all, gun violence prevention, equitable access to quality education, reproductive freedom, and so much more.

Along with the rest of the CT Congressional delegation, she’s counting on us to mobilize Democrats across Connecticut ahead of November’s election.

John, can you split a $10 donation between Jahana Hayes and the CT Democratic Party to help us mobilize Democratic voters across Connecticut? [[link removed]]

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will be processed and split between the Connecticut Democratic Party and Jahana Hayes immediately:

DONATE $10 Now [[link removed]]

Any amount that you can give will help us invest in a comprehensive voter outreach program and get out the vote for Democratic candidates up and down the ballot this year.

Thank you for stepping up,

Nancy DiNardo
CT Democratic Party Chair
CT Democratic Party
750 Main Street Suite
Suite 1108-3
Hartford, CT 06103
United States
[link removed]
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