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According to a poll conducted by Franklin and Marshall College, the extreme bill that would have allowed "concealed carry" of a firearm without a permit is overwhelmingly opposed by Pennsylvanians. This was one of the most notable pieces of legislation to actually make it to a vote this legislative session. Many other bills, like universal background checks, waiting periods for gun sales, extreme risk protection orders, and lost and stolen gun reporting languish in committees. We at CeaseFirePA urge lawmakers to get back to the business of legislating on behalf of the true needs of all Pennsylvanians, not an extreme agenda that costs lives.


of Pennsylvanians polled opposed the permitless concealed carry bill


Mark your calendar and RSVP! 

We're heading to Harrisburg to push for legislation that would reduce gun violence and save lives. Join us! Here's a quick review of what is in store for the day! Note: we have a number of buses being chartered to transport folks to the PA State Capitol, and you're also welcome to arrange your own transportation!

Tuesday, April 26, 2022 8:00 AM -  3:00 PM ET

  • 9 AM: Arrive in Harrisburg
  • 9:30 AM - 11 AM: Meetings with your legislators
  • 11 AM - 12 PM: Rally on the Front Steps
  • 12 PM - 3 PM: Legislative meetings, Lunch, and Take a Stand activities
  • 3 PM Leave Harrisburg

In the Courts

We wanted to share this great explainer of what is at stake in a Supreme Court case around a New York State gun law, from the folks at Brady. We're proud to be co-signers of an amicus brief in this case, led by the Educational Fund to Stop Gun Violence. Read more about that here.


Our Western PA Manager, Josh Fleitman, had a letter to the editor published that you don't want to miss. We're working tirelessly to pass lost and stolen gun reporting requirement legislation, because it will absolutely save lives.


Gun violence is a racial justice issue.

We hope you'll check out this urgent bit of news from The Trace. Reducing gun violence is a civil rights issue for kids and is a racial justice issue we all must take deeply seriously.



Lost and Stolen Gun Reporting Requirements:

  • An average of 21 guns go missing every day in Pennsylvania

  • Up to 40% of stolen firearms are never reported to law enforcement agencies.

  • States with a lost and stolen gun reporting requirement saw a 46% reduction in illegal arms trafficking.

Pennsylvania has no such law. We should pass it immediately.


Before we go, we wanted to ask you a quick favor. Will you help us spread the word about this newsletter? With your help, we're going to build the political power to end gun violence. We've supplied some easy buttons below for you to share it with friends and on all your social media platforms.

And as always, we hope you have a safe week, and we'll catch you in our next newsletter.

Share this with friends.





P.O. Box 60095  | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19102
215-923-3151 | [email protected]

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