Did you know that as a member of TuckerCarlson.com YOU can get your hands on a SIGNED copy of Tucker’s new book The Long Slide?
That’s right, Friend. Tucker wants to give his most loyal viewers the opportunity to get a SIGNED copy of his book about how much America has changed in recent decades.
With observations on the diversity of views and ideas that used to be tolerated in the 1990’s, to the electrifying impact of the 2016 Trump presidential campaign, and everything in between, Tucker’s book is full of insightful reflection on America’s path.
Tucker cannot wait for you to get your hands on this SIGNED copy of his book.
Thank you for joining TuckerCarlson.com. Did you know that as a member of TuckerCarlson.com, YOU get EXCLUSIVE access to Official Tucker Carlson Merchandise, including a signed copy of his new book, The Long Slide, that you won’t find anywhere else? Just head on over to the
Official Tucker Carlson Store RIGHT NOW to start shopping.
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