Dear John,

With so much calamity brewing around the globe, it is important to reflect on how we retain our individual and national sovereignty. Our freedom to defend ourselves is a God-given right. An armed citizenry is a free citizenry! 

With all the inner turmoil being engineered within our country, it is crucial to be aware of yet another example of government overreach that has occurred right under our noses. The Biden Administration maintains a database with almost 1 billion firearm purchase records, and obtained information about 54 million gun transactions just last year alone!

Not only is it no one’s business who owns a firearm, a federal firearm registry is explicitly prohibited by law!

I recently discussed this at a Second Amendment press conference in Washington D.C. and you can watch my remarks here:

They say that the unseen enemy is always the most fearsome.

That is why I am working in the trenches with like-minded America First legislators to stand against attempts made by the Radical Left to increase gun control regulation while expanding the surveillance and tracking of law-abiding firearm owners. We deter invasion from an unknown enemy by keeping the details about our firearm status out of the hands of all who would exploit it, even the government! 

When the people fear the government, that is tyranny. 
When the government fears the people, that is liberty. 

By committing to continue serving as your Congressman, I will be unwavering in standing against any encroachment of Americans’ 2nd Amendment rights. With your generous support, we can send the Biden Administration a message: we will hold the federal government accountable for violating the sacred right to defend ourselves!

In a world where conflict and crime are on the rise, we can work together as Conservative warriors to defend our liberties, especially in the face of tyrannical government! Please consider a donation today and help me tell the tyrannical government that it must get its nose out of our business regarding the firearms we own.

Let’s stand together against government tyranny!

For God and Country,

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