The London Green Bulletin
The latest news, views, and announcements about the London Green Party

 AM Zack Polanski out campaigning with members of the Sutton Green Party.

Welcome to the London Green Bulletin!


This is the March edition of a London wide update that will provide members with useful and up-to-date information about campaigning, elections and ways you can get more involved in the London Green Party.


This edition will be covering:

  • Call for London candidates: Can you help us give everyone in London the chance to vote Green?
  • London Green Party backs trans rights: London Green Party passes motion to ensure party remains a welcoming and safe place for all people.
  • Local Party Focus on Richmond: We travel to West London this month to hear about their local election campaign is coming along.
  • Up for an Action Day? We have a calendar of all the upcoming local events and action days local to you!

This edition of London Green Bulletin has been compiled by London region Joint Election Co-ordinators Josh Williams and Malcolm Powell. You can contact us at [email protected] and

Can you help us give everyone in London the chance to vote Green?

There is still time to help by being a Green candidate this May.


Current estimates show we are now expecting to stand over 1,000 candidates across London (up from 865 in 2018).


With limited resources we need to focus campaigning activity on our identified target wards but it is also important for us to give everyone the chance to vote Green by having non-target candidates too.


If you interested in helping us boost candidates numbers and giving all Londoners the chance to vote Green, please contact Malcolm Powell at [email protected].!


Local party focus: Richmond

We recently caught up with Chas Warlow to hear about the Richmond campaign:


"In Richmond, we've been canvassing in all our 6 target wards - we have 6 energetic and committed candidates who are getting a really positive response on doorsteps across the Borough ahead of local elections in May.


"We're feeling really optimistic about getting all 6 candidates elected so come and join one of our Action days in the next couple of months."


Their next action day is on Saturday 26 March in South Richmond. If you would like to attend or get involved more generally then email Chas Warlow for more information.

London Greens back trans rights

London Green Party backs trans rights and a motion confirming this was passed at the most recent London Green Party members meeting.


You can access the text of the motion here

Members required for new Disciplinary, Disputes and Complaints Panel

We are working to ensure that disciplinary, disputes and complaints matters can be resolved locally to help local parties focus on campaigning for Green change rather than internal matters. Could you help by being on this panel?


Any Green Party member in the London Region can serve on the panel, as long as they have been a member for at least two years and do not hold any elected or appointed post at the regional or national level.


Elected Committee members will be expected to familiarise themselves with national and regional procedures and documents relating to disciplinary matters and dispute resolution. Training will be provided where necessary and appropriate.



If you'd like to find out more, please contact David Farbey (email [email protected], mobile  07538 420 800), who is coordinating the establishment of the DCD panel.

Upcoming events and action days

Date Local party Event Sign up links and contacts 
Saturday 19 March 

Lambeth St Leonard's Action Day  Sign up here

Hackney Action Day

RSVP here
Islington Leafletting  RSVP here
Southwark Southwark Action Day Sign up here
Newham Canvassing Sign up here
Lewisham Lewisham Action Day RSVP here
Ealing Ealing Action Day RSVP here
Sunday 20 March

Southwark Southwark Action Day Sign up here
Hackney  Hackney Downs Action Day Sign up here
Saturday 26 March

Lambeth Herne Hill Action Day (w/ Zack Polanski) Sign up here
Southwark Southwak Action Day Sign up here
Hackney Hackney Downs Action Day Sign up here
Hackney Dalston Action Day Sign up here
Newham Canvassing Sign up here
Richmond South Richmond Action Day RSVP here
Sunday 27 March

Southwark Southwark Action Day Sign up here
Lewisham Lewisham Action Day RSVP here
Tower Hamlets Bow West Action Day Sign up here
Newham Litter picking and street audit RSVP here
Saturday 2 April

Lambeth St Leonard's Action Day

Sign up here

Southwark Southwark Action Day

Sign up here

Islington Islington Action Day

RSVP here

Hackney Hackney Downs Action Day

Sign up here

Lewisham Lewisham Action Day RSVP here
Newham Newham Action Day RSVP here
Sunday 3 April 

Southwark Southwark Action Day

Sign up here

Hackney Dalston Action Day

Sign up here

Newham Newham Action Day

RSVP here

Saturday 9 April

Lambeth Herne Hill Action Day

Sign up here

Southwark Southwark Action Day

Sign up here

Lambeth Lambeth Action Day

RSVP here

Hackney Dalston Action Day (w/ Carla Denyer)

Sign up here

Newham Canvass with Carla Denyer

Sign up here

Tower Hamlets Meet Carla Denyer

Sign up here

Sunday 10 April

Southwark Southwark Action Day

Sign up here

Hackney Hackney Downs ActIon Day

Sign up here

Newham Newham Action Day

Sign up here

Lewisham Lewisham Action Day

RSVP here

Saturday 16 April 

Lambeth St Leonard's Action Day

Sign up here

Southwrk Southwark Action Day

Sign up here

Islington Islington Action Day

RSVP here

Hackney Hackney Downs Action Day

Sign up here

Lewisham Lewisham Action Day

Sign up here

Newham Newham Action Day

RSVP here

Sunday 17 April

Southwark Southwark Action Day

Sign up here

Islington Islington Action Day

RSVP here

Hackney Dalston Action Day

Sign up here

Newham Newham Action Day

RSVP here

Tuesday 19 April Hackney Canvassing with Caroline Lucas

Sign up here

Friday 22 April Lewisham Canvassing with Adrian Ramsay

RSVP here

Saturday 23 April

Lambeth Herne Hill Action Day

Sign up here

Southwark Southwark Action Day

Sign up here

Islington Islington Action Day

RSVP here

Hackney Dalston Action Day

Sign up here

Tower Hamlets Canvassing and Social

Sign up here

Newham Newham Action Day

RSVP here

Sunday 24 April

Southwark Southwark Action Day

Sign up here

Islington Islington Action Day

RSVP here

Hackney Hackney Downs Action Day

RSVP here

Lewisham Lewisham Action Day

RSVP here

Newham Newham Action Day

RSVP here

Saturday 30 April





Southwark Southwark Action Day

Sign up here

Islington Islington Action Day

RSVP here

Hackney Hackney Downs Actoin Day

Sign up here

Lewisham Lewisham Action Day

RSVP here

Newham Newham Action Day

RSVP here

Sunday 1 May




Southwark Southwark Action Day

SIgn up here

Islington Islington Action Day

RSVP here

Hackney Dalston Action Day

Sign up here

Newham Newham Action Day

RSVP here

Monday 2 May Islington Islington Action Day

RSVP here

  Newham Newham Action Day

RSVP here

Tuesday 3 May

Islington Islington Action Day

RSVP here

Wednesday 4 May

Islington Islington Action Day

RSVP here

Thursday 5 May

Newham Polling Day

Sign up here