Dear Friend of OpenSecrets,

March 13-19 is Sunshine Week, when our mission highlighting the importance of transparency to a just and free democracy is widely recognized.

Transparency in government has never been a certainty; it has been fought for and won by public defenders at every stage of our history as a check on unnecessary secrecy that could shield corruption.

Money-in-politics transparency is under threat and remains a critical fight today:
  • Over $1 B in undisclosed “dark money” turbocharged the most expensive election in U.S. history;

  • $2.1 B spent on online political ads by super PACs and shell companies backed by hidden donors since we started tracking; 

  • And national parties and affiliated super PACs are reporting the most cash on hand ever at this point in a midterm cycle.
Unfortunately, transparency is simply not a top priority for lawmakers, Democrat or Republican. With partisans protesting that they can't unilaterally disarm, or “I can’t stop until the other guy does,” both parties are becoming more dependent on dark money from elusive donors. 

Just because it’s not a priority in Congress, doesn’t mean it isn’t for all of us.

Since the ‘80s, OpenSecrets has pulled back the curtain on the avalanche of money in American politics. We’ve shown our determination by investigating and reporting on soft money, 527s, super PACs, shell companies, non-disclosing 501(c)4 “social welfare” groups — any group that tries to conceal its funding from the public eye.

We’ve identified private interests attempting to influence the government to their benefit, foreign money flooding Washington through lobbying and influence peddling, scam PACs and online “stealth persuasion machines” seeking to confuse the public for political gain. 

We shine a light on these stories, and follow the money at every turn, to give citizens the tools they need to hold elected officials accountable.

This Sunshine Week, we ask you to consider supporting OpenSecrets. Our research and nonprofit newsroom, not to mention our completely free online database, relies on the financial support of readers like you. If you can, please make a donation today.
Give a Gift that Champions Transparency
With gratitude,

Sheila Krumholz
Executive Director

P.S. We don’t just talk about transparency, we act it. Read our Year in Review Report to learn what we’ve accomplished in 2021 and where we’ve invested your support.
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