Urban Indians beat space crunch by investing in digital solar power

With many city-dwellers unable to install solar panels, start-ups offer them the opportunity to invest in solar power production elsewhere in return for green electricity credits

Star of 'The Black Cop' film calls London police out on racism

The police must confront racism and homophobia, said Gamal 'G' Turawa, the Met Police's first openly gay Black officer

Climate action lags as COVID-19 hits goals in developing nations

In Jamaica and Grenada, plans to cut emissions and adapt to climate change impacts have been delayed as the pandemic shrinks government budgets

Investors launch global standard for corporate climate lobbying

Investors managing $130 trillion say lobbying that aims to thwart climate action by governments runs counter to their interests, and companies that do it risk having their actions put to a shareholder vote

Texas judge blocks probes of transgender kids' parents statewide

A Texas judge on Friday temporarily blocked the state from investigating parents who provide their transgender children with gender-transitioning medical treatments

Apple's Tim Cook raises concern over LGBTQ laws in the U.S.

Florida lawmakers recently passed a Republican-backed bill prohibiting classroom discussion of sexual orientation and gender identity for many young students

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