The real estate industry considers the three most important factors in real estate value to be:
Location Location Location
In terms of building and protecting cultural development, the three most important elements are:
Education Education Education
Of ultimate importance in the Oklahoma Legislator is Senate Bill 1647 which allows money to follow the child with no governmental strings attached. It is the simple return of the parental tax dollars, parental authority, and the children to the family.
Its next stop is the Senate Floor.
When the over-payment of tax dollars are returned to us from a governmental bank account, there are no strings attached. It is the same with the return of our Social Security investment dollars. These monies come from the government bank account (funded by our tax dollars) but there are no strings attached when we receive it back.
Continue to speak to your Senator in support of SB 1647
Next week, we will address the fiscal issues which have plagued the Oklahoma Department of Health for well over a decade. We will also be explaining how the former Attorney General, Mike Hunter, former State Auditor & Inspector (SAI), Gary Jones, and current SAI, Cindy Byrd, have covered the fraud.
Thank you for all you do for the state of Oklahoma and the nation. It is on your shoulders that our future rests.