With spring just around the corner...
Don't forget to share your favorite articles with friends, family, and comrades; encourage them to subscribe. Also stay tuned for our next issue, "The Soil and the Worker," scheduled for May 2022 release.
SftP magazine from 1970–1979 is fully digitized and searchable. Please visit our archive for a trip to history. We're still working on digitizing contents of 1980–1989. Contact our archive team if you'd like to volunteer!
Yes, we know Canada is big—more reason to organize bigly! Visit the link or email us to get involved!
SftP secretary Camille Rullán was recently invited by À bâbord magazine to write an introductory article about our organization, mission, and principles. Since we disdain to conceal our views and aims, please share this article widely and encourage others to join us!
As an activist organization and a volunteer-run, open-access, anti-capitalist magazine, we are always going against market forces. Please help us reach our financial goal by becoming a subscriber!