The Citizens United decision has hurt our democracy
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Kim Olson for Congress

Jack xxxxxx,

America’s democracy changed for the worse when the Citizens United decision opened the floodgates for dark money in our political process.

Let me break it down for you. Large corporations and special interest groups are able to give unlimited dark money donations to candidates running for our highest offices. After these politicians use their immense war chests to win their races, they ensure that the people that got them elected get what they want -- think tax breaks for the wealthy, less regulation for large fossil fuel companies, and so on.

I pledged to never take a dime from these corporate PACs, so I need your help to keep up with my opponents who are taking advantage of dark money. Have you chipped in to help hit my campaign’s grassroots goal?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Since Citizens United, we’ve seen more members of Congress spending far more time on the phone with mega-donors and less time in their communities talking to everyday voters.

I know that leaders should be focused on helping their constituents. That’s why I’m running for Congress, and that’s why I support campaign finance reform that will finally overturn Citizen United.

Show your support in ending the corrupting influence of dark money in our politics, consider making a donation to my campaign!


Kim Olson

Kim Olson is a farmer, combat veteran, and champion for education. After 25 years in the Air Force, Kim served three years in the Texas State Guard and started a non-profit to help women veterans. Now, she's taking on our broken Congress and running to represent TX-24. Chip in and help Kim fly through to victory.

Kim for Congress
P.O. Box 4
Addison, TX 75001
United States