Republican Jewish Coalition

John --

Have you seen what has been going on at the Democrats’ show trial impeachment hearings? Adam Schiff has refused to let Republicans call witnesses and isn’t letting Republicans like Elise Stefanik (NY-21) ask his witnesses difficult questions. What is worse, Democrats, and their mainstream media allies, are attacking Stefanik for being a young Republican woman, because they know they can’t fight her on the issues. They are raising massive amounts to defeat her, using the hashtag #TrashyStefanik. She will be a top target for Democrats in 2020, all because she defended the President and spoke up against the Democrat leadership.

(Tweet by ABC News Chief Political Analyst)

The RJC PAC has endorsed Congresswoman Stefanik and is sending her the maximum contribution the PAC can. We are asking that you also donate to her reelection campaign through the RJC PAC to show her that the RJC stands with her!

Democrats have shown their true colors by attacking Congresswoman Stefanik. They only care about supporting women and young people when they agree with them. Stefanik is a Harvard graduate and a three-term member of Congress. She is whip-smart and a staunch supporter of President Trump. For that, she has been targeted and attacked.

John, show Adam Schiff that you see right through his sexist attacks against Republican women like Elise Stafanik. Donate right now!


Matt Brooks

RJC Executive Director


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