All of the headlines from today's paper.
Monday, March 14, 2022
Today's Headlines
Page one


Tom Brady’s return unsurprising, but still a thrill in every way

Not yet do we have to relegate Brady’s inspiring story from NFL draft afterthought to seven-time Super Bowl champion to the dusty shelves of history. These are Brady’s good old days, and their return is a gift from the football gods. Continue reading →

Social Justice

In Mass. and Cass effort, the theme word is ‘decentralize’

As city officials explore ways to tackle the vagrancy that has haunted the area of Mass. and Cass, Mayor Michelle Wu’s administration has signaled she intends to follow through on a campaign promise to scatter recovery and harm reduction services. Continue reading →

Politics Policy

EPA designates Lower Neponset River a Superfund site

After years of lobbying by local and state officials for federal help to clean it up, the US Environmental Protection Agency will designate a 3.7-mile stretch of the Neponset River as a Superfund site. Continue reading →


Russian airstrike escalates offensive in western Ukraine

Russian missiles pounded a military base in western Ukraine on Sunday, killing 35 people in an attack on a facility that served as a crucial hub for cooperation between Ukraine and the NATO countries supporting its defense. Continue reading →

Globe Local

‘He was such a beautiful human.’ Nieman fellows mourn killing of journalist in Ukraine.

An American journalist who was a 2019 Nieman Foundation fellow at Harvard was killed Sunday while reporting on the refugee crisis unfolding in Ukraine. Continue reading →

The Nation


West Virginia Senate blows deadline to pass bill that puts restrictions on teaching race

The West Virginia Legislature’s Republican supermajority failed to pass a controversial bill restricting how race is taught in public schools because they missed a midnight deadline in the final moments of the 2022 session, a state Senate spokesperson confirmed early Sunday. Continue reading →


Talking chaos, or plotting a conspiracy? The debate in the Whitmer kidnapping trial.

Few people took the COVID-19 lockdown restrictions that swept the world in the spring of 2020 harder than far-right extremist Adam Fox. Continue reading →

Climate Science

Climate change could make pothole season worse

Climate change seems to make everything worse, including possibly pothole season. Continue reading →

The World


Shenzhen imposes a lockdown and Shanghai restricts nonessential travel as China’s new COVID cases jump

Two of China’s largest cities, Shenzhen and Shanghai, imposed stringent restrictions Sunday on the movements of their residents, as a coronavirus outbreak continued to spread across much of mainland China. Continue reading →


Missiles fired from Iran hit near US Consulate site in Iraq

At least a dozen missiles fired from Iran struck near a US Consulate compound being built outside the city of Irbil in the Kurdish region of Iraq early Sunday, according to Iraqi and US officials. Continue reading →


UK vs. oligarchs: ‘The gloves are now off’

On Friday, the day after Britain blacklisted seven prominent Russian oligarchs, residents of the wealthy London borough of Kensington and Chelsea rolled a washing machine overflowing with fake pound notes in front of a multimillion-dollar town house belonging to the family of the president of Azerbaijan. Continue reading →

Editorial & Opinion


The world failed to act in 2019 when Azerbaijan attacked Armenia. Now history repeats itself in Ukraine.

What’s happening to Ukrainians is very similar to what happened to Armenians. These are not mutually exclusive events. The parallels could not be starker. Continue reading →


It shouldn’t have taken a war to clean up the US financial system

As the Biden administration seeks to seize Russian assets, it should also work to end America’s role in promoting financial secrecy around the world. Continue reading →


Confederate Amnesty Act must not insulate the Jan. 6 insurrectionists

In the lead-up to the insurrection, Madison Cawthorn participated in planning meetings and promoted the confrontation with Congress on social media. He has invoked a post-Civil War statute to render him immune from consequences imposed by North Carolina voters. Continue reading →



From Rhode Island, a bond between a granddaughter and her grandmother, separated by Putin’s war

Inna Walker is safe in East Providence, but her entire family is stuck in Ukraine, sheltering in place as Russian bombs destroy the neighborhoods around them. It’s the third time her grandmother has lived under Russian occupation. “We never thought he’d actually attack Ukraine,” Walker said. “He had no reason to.” Continue reading →


Boston Fire’s newest recruits include just one woman in a class of 90

The Boston Fire Department, criticized in recent years for being overwhelmingly white and male, continues to struggle with diversity, as its current recruiting class of 90 includes only one woman. Continue reading →

Higher Education

Harvard Kennedy School professor claims Holberg Prize for examining intersection of science and democracy

Sheila Jasanoff, the Kennedy School’s Pforzheimer Professor of Science and Technology Studies, was awarded the prize for her four-decade career of work at the top of her field, which seeks to examine scientific research through a societal lens. Continue reading →


Kevin Garnett ceremony

Fans and former players come together to celebrate as Kevin Garnett’s No. 5 hoisted up to the rafters

Garnett's jersey will now hang alongside all those championship banners, including the 2007-08 title that he helped win. Continue reading →

Ben Volin | On Football

Tom Brady’s retirement never made much sense in the first place

The real surprise is Brady is returning to the Buccaneers. Continue reading →


Tom Brady says he’s returning to the NFL

The legendary quarterback isn't done. After 41 days in retirement, he's headed back to the NFL and says he'll play for the Buccaneers. Continue reading →



Jean Sullivan McKeigue, former Boston School Committee president, dies at 75

A former teacher, Mrs. McKeigue led the School Committee in 1982. Continue reading →


William Hurt, star of ‘Broadcast News,’ ‘Body Heat,’ dies

Hurt was three times nominated for an Academy Award, winning for 1985′s “Kiss of the Spider Woman.” Continue reading →


Ron Miles, understated master of jazz cornet, is dead at 58

Mr. Miles had only recently gained the wider attention as a player, composer, and bandleader that fellow musicians believed he had long deserved. Continue reading →

Arts & Lifestyle

Visual Arts

‘Immersive Shevchenko: Soul of Ukraine’ exhibit to raise funds for humanitarian aid with one-day-only show

At "Immersive Shevchenko: Soul of Ukraine," an exhibit created before the Russian invasion of Ukraine takes on new meaning. Continue reading →


Author Heather Kamins bridges authenticity and magical realism in ‘The Moth Girl’

The Western Massachusetts-based writer explores a fictional chronic illness in her debut YA novel. Continue reading →


‘Best of’ column looks at political differences

Advice from Amy Dickinson. Continue reading →