Join us at the Top Of Texas!
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I'm telling you guys, we love to have fun at True Texas Project!  But hey... work hard/play hard, right?  That's my motto and hopefully yours too. We worked hard in the Primary Election, and now we will play hard at the Top of Texas!

Hmm...maybe I shouldn't use the word "hard".  I don't want to scare ya off, but a hike to the Top of Texas is no easy feat. 


Even so, that's what we plan to do for our next True Texas Adventure trip!  How can "Hike to the Top Of Texas" not be on your bucket list??? 

Honestly, I'm in my 50s, and several friends into their late 60s have now told me they've done this recently, so if they can do it, we can do it!  Don't be scared!  It's 8 miles and takes about 8 hours, and it is considered strenuous, but we've got this! 

Here's the itinerary:

  • Thursday, May 5 - drive 8 hours; set up camp*
    If there's enough interest, we can rent a 15-passenger van and tow gear in trailer.
    *RV sites, cabins, and hotels are also nearby.

  • Friday, May 6 - hike to the top of Guadalupe & back
    There are easier hikes for those not up for this. We can also consider hiking up 3 of the 4 miles, camping at the primitive campground there, and then continuing to the top and back down again in the morning.

  • Saturday, May 7 - tour town and Carlsbad Caverns
    Optional: depart one day early for those wanting to be home before Mother's Day

  • Sunday, May 8 - drive 8 hours home

    For those interested, please reply to this email so we can firm up the plans! If you do not reply, you will not be included!

See ya at the top!
Julie McCarty
Volunteer CEO

PS.  For those in Tarrant County, I'll see you at Monday's meeting with up & coming speaker Jake Colglazier!  I haven't been to a Tarrant meeting in so long, and I get to MC!  Fran will be at the Erath meeting MC'ing a pastor's panel w/ Rafael Cruz & Rick Scarborough.  Plus I'm super jealous that I cannot be at the Lubbock meeting with 2 experts talking about the connection between illegal immigration and ranching (yes, it will affect you).  AND, we are meeting in Travis County with a longtime friend and speaker for TTP Marlene McMillan.  GET TO ONE OF THESE FANTASTIC OPPORTUNITIES!


 Got your tickets to our annual gala yet?  Don't be left out!


 Click here to donate to our cause.      

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