John — 

Did you see this morning’s email from James Carville? He reached out to you personally, John, to make sure you know how important it is that we hit our mid-month fundraising goal.

We’ve seen an uptick in support since he sent his email, and we have made good progress on our goal to hit 1,000 new donors. But we still have a little work to do to get there.

Will you take a second to read over the message James Carville sent this morning, and then chip in $10 to help us reach our goal?

Thanks for all your support, 

Defend the Senate

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: James Carville <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, Mar 13, 2022 at 12:17 PM
Subject: Mitch McConnell and I don’t see things the same way
To: <[email protected]>

Hey John — it’s James Carville.

If you know me, you know I’m not afraid to tell it like it is. So let me say this: Democrats have done more good in one year than Mitch McConnell and his right-wing buddies have in the last eight.

It’s undeniable. We’re creating a record amount of jobs, we’re investing in our infrastructure, and we’re turning the corner on the pandemic.

Unfortunately, Mitch McConnell and his right-wing buddies don’t see it like you and I do. As we speak, they’re pouring in millions to attack our Democratic incumbents and take back the Senate this fall.

They’re so ambitious that they’ve even laid out their “plan” if they retake the majority. Rick Scott, the chair of the GOP’s Senate campaign committee, is calling for tax hikes on the lowest income Americans, including seniors and people with disabilities.

Mitch McConnell and Senate Republicans have proven that they’re more focused on giving their wealthy friends a tax break than helping everyday Americans. We saw the damage they did when Trump was president. We can’t afford a round two.

I’m emailing you today on behalf of my friends at Defend the Senate. They’re working tirelessly to make sure Mitch McConnell gets nowhere NEAR our Senate majority, and they need your help before their mid-month deadline on Tuesday. Will you do me a favor and pitch in $10 or more to help them hit their 1,000 donation goal?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Thank you,

James Carville