Weekly Round Up
Quincy in the News

March 13, 2022

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A New Nuclear Age
Featuring Joe Cirincione, Distinguished Non-Resident Fellow 
In Search of Monsters/ Quincy Institute & Radio Open Source, 3/10/22

When some experts describe Russia's war in Ukraine as “extraordinarily dangerous,” they’re thinking about how easily this conflict could escalate to nuclear war, and from there to doomsday. This week, we’re talking to Joe Cirincione about the nuclear risks in Ukraine and why finding a diplomatic off-ramp is essential.



Not a Pawn: Southeast Asia in a World of Rising Great Power Tensions

Featuring Kishore Mahbubani, Dino Patti Djalal, Elina Noor & Sarang Shidore 
Quincy Institute & the Asian Peace Programme, 3/16/22


MLK 55 Years Later—Can the Church Study War No More?

Featuring Andrew Bacevich, President & Pastor Michael McBride, Board Member
Quincy Institute & Live Free USA, 4/2/22



Inside Putin's Circle—the Real Russian Elite
By Anatol Lieven, Senior Research Fellow
Financial Times, 3/11/22

As the west focuses on oligarchs, a far smaller group has its grip on true power in Moscow. Who are the Siloviki — and what motivates them?


Already Fragile JCPOA Talks 'Paused' Over Russian Demands
By Trita Parsi, Executive Vice President
Responsible Statecraft, 3/11/22

Moscow is playing hardball, but the question remains: do they mean to make the others sweat, or scuttle the deal completely?

Russia and the Potential for Nuclear Conflict

Interview with Joe Cirincione, Distinguished Non-Resident Fellow
Washington Journal/C-SPAN, 3/8/22

American pundits say Putin is undermining the international order. But the ability of great powers to ignore the rules is a lamentable part of the system.


The End of History...Again?
By Andrew Bacevich, President
Responsible Statecraft, 3/7/22

Beware of those declaring the world order has shifted or disappeared, pushing us toward another costly ‘generational’ conflict.


Diplomats Are Trying to Find an Off-Ramp to Putin's War in Ukraine

Interview with Anatol Lieven, Senior Research Fellow
Morning Edition/NPR, 3/8/22

American leaders should pursue an end to Russia's war through vigorous diplomacy, not condemn Ukraine to an endless war for U.S. geopolitical purposes.


The Unknown Oligarch Fighting for an Endless Korean War
By Eli Clifton, Investigative Journalist at Large
The Nation & Responsible Statecraft, 3/8/22

Follow the money fomenting conflict on the Korean Peninsula, and all roads lead to Annie M.H. Chan.



Don't Embrace Saudi Arabia and the UAE Because of the Ukraine Crisis by Senior Research Fellow William Hartung, The Hill, 3/12/22
Can Russia’s War Revive the Anti-Nuke Movement? by Jacqueline Feldscher/ Quoted: Distinguished Non-Resident Fellow Joe Cirincione, Defense One, 3/12/22 
The Biden Administration’s Terrifying Gamble by Advocacy Director Marcus Stanley, Responsible Statecraft, 3/12/22
WEBCAST: How Ukraine is Upending the Middle East, Interview with Executive Vice President Trita Parsi, Krystal Kyle & Friends, 3/11/22
How Does a Conventional War Become Nuclear? by Sara Sirota/ Quoted: Distinguished Non-Resident Fellow Joe Cirincione, The Intercept, 3/11/22 

We Call on Biden to Reject Reckless Demands for a No-Fly Zone, Open letter signed by QI leadership, staff and fellows, The Guardian, 3/11/22  
War in Ukraine: What Does It Tell Us About the Geopolitical Order and America’s Place in It?, Interview with President Andrew Bacevich, National Catholic Register, 3/11/22 
Should Biden Really Be Begging Saudi Arabia and Venezuela for Oil? by Jordan Michael Smith/ Quoted: Research Fellow Annelle Sheline, The New Republic, 3/11/22

TELEVISION: Andrew Bacevich: Ukraine is Paying the Price for the U.S. “Recklessly” Pushing NATO Expansion, Interview with President Andrew Bacevich, Democracy Now!, 3/10/22 
Transpartisan Group Hits Back at Calls for No-Fly Zone Over Ukraine by Editorial Director Kelley Beaucar Vlahos, Responsible Statecraft, 3/10/22
Mike Pence Flies to Israel on Miriam Adelson’s Private Jet by Investigative Journalist at Large Eli Clifton, Responsible Statecraft, 3/10/22
PODCAST: Ukraine, NATO, and International Politics, Interview with Senior Research Fellow Anatol Lieven by Non-Resident Fellow Daniel Bessner, American Prestige, 3/10/22
'Holy Hell': Dem Leadership Pulls Covid Relief from Spending Bill by Jessica Corbett/ Quoted: Senior Research Fellow William Hartung, Common Dreams, 3/10/22
TELEVISION: What Are the Alternatives to Banned Russian Oil?, Interview with Research Fellow Annelle Sheline, Alhurra TV, 3/10/22
How Western Firms Quietly Enabled Russian Oligarchs by Matthew Goldstein, Kenneth Vogel, Jesse Drucker, Maureen Farrell & Mike McIntire/ Quoted: Research Fellow Ben Freeman, The New York Times, 3/9/22
South Korea Elects Yoon Suk-yeol as President, Bringing Back a Tougher Line on North Korea by Timothy Martin & Dasl Yoon/Quoted: Senior Research Fellow Jessica Lee, Wall Street Journal, 3/9/22
We Shouldn’t Be Even this Close to Nuclear War by Stephen Kinzer/ Quoted: Distinguished Non-Resident Fellow Joe Cirincione, The Boston Globe, 3/9/22
UAE Chooses Solidarity Between Oil Producers Over Military Allies by Ken Klippenstein/ Quoted: Executive Vice President Trita Parsi, The Intercept, 3/9/22
Defense Spending Deal Bristles with Weapons Biden Didn’t Seek by John Donnelly/ Quoted: Senior Research Fellow William Hartung, Roll Call, 3/9/22
Hawkish Yoon Wins in Seoul, Posing Challenges for Taiwan, North Korea Policy by Senior Research Fellow Jessica Lee, Responsible Statecraft, 3/9/22
Don’t Forget the Refugee Crisis After the Fighting Stops by Board Member Katrina vanden Heuvel, Washington Post, 3/8/22
An International Relations Theory Guide to the War in Ukraine by Non-Resident Fellow Stephen Walt, Foreign Policy, 3/8/22
‘Stop Military Action!’ Putin Issues Ukraine War Demands as Russia’s Invasion Continues by Jack Walters/ Cited: Senior Research Fellow Anatol Lieven, Express, 3/8/22
TELEVISION: President Biden Announces U.S. Ban on Russian Oil Imports, Interview with Non-Resident Fellow Amir Handjani, Cheddar News, 3/8/22 
Peace in Ukraine is Worth Putin's Price by Grayson Quay/ Quoted: Senior Research Fellow Anatol Lieven, The Week, 3/8/22 
The Limits of Iran’s Influence on Yemen’s Houthi Rebels by Thomas Falk/ Quoted: Executive Vice President Trita Parsi, Al Jazeera, 3/8/22
Did Blinken ‘Green-Light’ World War III? by Bradley Devlin/ Quoted: Senior Research Fellow Anatol Lieven, The American Conservative, 3/8/22
Russian Oil Import Ban Highlights Urgency to Act on Renewables by Research Fellow Annelle Sheline, Responsible Statecraft, 3/8/22
Russia May Spoil Nuclear Talks to Keep Oil Price High by Abbas Al Lawati and Nadeen Ebrahim/ Quoted: Executive Vice President Trita Parsi, CNN Business, 3/7/22
TELEVISION: What Would a Ukraine-Russia Peace Deal Look Like?, Interview with Senior Research Fellow Anatol Lieven, Democracy Now!, 3/7/22 
Biden Is Right to Rule Out a ‘No-Fly Zone’ in Ukraine by Senior Research Fellows Anatol Lieven & William Hartung, Responsible Statecraft, 3/7/22
Biden Pursues China Containment in New Indo-Pacific Strategy by East Asia Director Michael Swaine & Director of Studies Sarang Shidore, Responsible Statecraft, 3/7/22


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