Rebecca Kleefisch is the only person I trust to fire Tony Evers.


Tony Evers has failed Wisconsin.

He sided with rioters while Kenosha was set ablaze, he sided with liberal union cronies over your children’s education, and in the end, he had the gall to tell you it was best for you.

I won’t beat around the bush, if we don’t FIRE Tony Evers this November, then we too will have failed Wisconsin, John.

And there’s only one person I trust to finish the job – my very own Lieutenant Governor, Rebecca Kleefisch.

Please make a contribution to join me in helping Rebecca FIRE radical liberal Tony Evers.







I hate to admit it, but this toss-up governor’s race is going to come down to fundraising.

The DGA has already amassed a warchest of over $54 million to prop up Evers along with his $10.5 million in cash on hand.

His entire reelection strategy has become buying this race, and it’s clear why… The latest polling shows that a majority of Wisconsin voters would NOT vote to reelect him.

But if Rebecca falls behind on even one of her monthly fundraising goals, we risk giving Evers the upper hand.

We simply can’t afford to waste our chance to return to better times, John.

You’ve always been a loyal supporter of both Rebecca and me, but now more than ever, we’re counting on YOUR help once again.

So please, make a contribution to join me in helping Rebecca FIRE radical liberal Tony Evers.

Thank you,

Scott Walker
45th Governor of Wisconsin

Paid for by People for Rebecca.

PO Box 628284, Middleton, WI 53562

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