As I told you last week, we are working with over 100 conservative organizations to fight against this bogus impeachment effort in a unified, coordinated way. The action items for the next few weeks will be tied to the work of this coalition.
We’ve been asked to all be prepared and able to serve as a rapid response team over these upcoming weeks as the House Intel committee holds public hearings. We need to push out the real facts in radio, tv, and print interviews, on social media, to your email networks, and in speeches. You can share this call to action with likeminded patriots! Action Item #1 FOLLOW, RETWEET THESE TWITTER ACCOUNTS, COPY & PASTE CONTENT FROM THEM…
As you engage on social media, please be sure that you follow, RT, and copy and paste the tweets of Republican members of the House Intel and House Oversight Committees into your own words using the hashtags #NoEvidence and #DemsGotNothing. If you are not following the House GOP Intel and House GOP Oversight members, we set up twitter lists for you.
Key Members carrying the message (These accounts are the most important to follow, retweet, copy and paste what they are saying in your own words, etc. Be sure to use #noevidence #DemsGotNothing.)
Action Item #2 Sign up for the Trump Defense Team special email group if you haven’t already! Especially on the days where there are hearings, we are sending out information from the White House and the GOP that is very important, and one of the only ways we have of getting the truth out, past the mainstream media. PLEASE NOTE: If you are a statewide or local elected official or group leader, please use this form to sign up for emails geared toward leaders: https://forms.gle/awhdepNFx7jZKejM9
If you aren’t a leader, be sure to email or text statewide and local elected officials and other statewide and local leaders of groups (tea party groups, other conservative/likeminded groups) to ask them to join the Trump Defense Team coalition and serve as rapid responders next week. We’ve written templates that you can use to invite them to join. Just copy and paste the email or text message template pasted below my signature to invite them to join.
Action Item #3 If you have extra time this week, please call the 31 Democrats, supposed "moderates," that won seats from Republicans in 2018 in districts that voted for President Trump in 2016.
In liberty,
Jenny Beth Martin
TEXT MESSAGE TEMPLATE TO RECRUIT PEOPLE Are you currently doing media, sending email updates to your list, giving speeches, answering questions for people in your network, or sharing information on social media to help fight impeachment?
If so, may I add you the Fight Impeachment Now/Trump Defense Team so we can act as a force multiplier for Republicans on Capitol Hill as they fight the impeachment effort over the next few weeks? You can simply go to https://forms.gle/BiHiLX42gp5EfBmy8 to sign up. Give my name as the person who referred you. Thank you!
Are you currently doing media, sending email updates to your list, giving speeches, answering questions for people in your network, or sharing information on social media to help fight impeachment?
As the House begins public hearings, those Congressmen and Senators fighting to defend the President will urgently need our help. You know that President Trump and the Republicans in Congress cannot count on the mainstream media to get the full story and truth out. They need you and others like you across the country to amplify the truth that the President’s defenders on Capitol Hill are working so hard to get out to the American people. You have the unique ability to do this not only through your networks (email, social media, local groups, etc.) but also with your ability to reach state and local media through earned media.
Members of Congress have asked our coalition to help them fight AGAINST impeachment and recruit rapid responders to spread the facts and correct misinformation to our networks and through earned media. Will you please join the Fight Impeachment Now/Trump Defense Team coalition so that we can act as a force multiplier for their actions?
As a member of the coalition, you will have access to behind the scenes updates from Capitol Hill, frequent and timely news articles and op-eds relevant to fighting impeachment, and the ability to share your posts, articles, op-eds for others to cross-promote. The coalition will communicate with you through email, text messages, and Capitol Hill briefings via conference calls.
Will you please join today so we are ready to help Republicans in Congress fight next week as the hearings begin? https://forms.gle/RDQdwk8XjNKScgah7
NOTE: Some people may want to join the coalition in their individual capacity rather than with their group, or may not have a group, or may want to join without formally and publicly listing their names. It is acceptable to join either individually or without listing your name or group name publicly.
Please join the coalition by filling out this form https://forms.gle/RDQdwk8XjNKScgah7. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Kevin Mooneyhan (copied here, c: 904-710-5441), Keli Carender (copied here, c: 202-370-9842), or me directly (c: 404-285-5853).
If you know other elected officials in your state who would like to participate in the coalition, please forward this email to them. We are looking for leaders and heads of organizations (state groups too, not just national) and current and former elected officials.
In liberty,
Jenny Beth Martin, Honorary Chairman, Tea Party Patriots Action David Bozell, For America
![]() Tea Party Patriots Action operates as a social welfare organization under section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions to Tea Party Patriots Action are not deductible as charitable contributions for income tax purposes. © 2019 Tea Party Patriots Action 80 M St SE, First Floor, Washington, D.C. 20003
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