From Sarah Locke <[email protected]>
Subject Solidarity with the people of Ukraine
Date March 13, 2022 3:02 PM
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John, all of us here at the Connecticut Democratic Party have watched in horror as Russia continues attacking the people of Ukraine.

Like millions of other Americans, you may be wondering what you can do to help the Ukrainian people right now — today, we’d like to invite you to support the International Organization for Migration (IOM).

IOM is scaling up its humanitarian operations in Ukraine and neighboring countries, providing emergency services in health, shelter, winter supplies, and protection. Click here to donate to the International Organization for Migration: [[link removed]]

SUPPORT IOM [[link removed]]

Connecticut’s Democratic delegation to Congress heard directly from Ukraine’s courageous President Zelenskyy last weekend, and expressed their support for aid and broader sanctions.

Reps. Joe Courtney and Jim Himes along with Senator Chris Murphy and other CT Democrats have also continued to provide regular updates and information on the latest developments in this crisis. This week, every Connecticut Democrat in Congress voted to ban imports of Russian oil and energy products and approved additional sanctions against Russia.

The Connecticut Democratic Party stands in solidarity with the people of Ukraine, and we will continue supporting our Democratic leaders in Congress and the Senate as they work to support the people of Ukraine and their neighbors.

Sarah Locke
Executive Director
CT Democratic Party
CT Democratic Party
750 Main Street
Suite 1108-3
Hartford, CT 06103
United States
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