John, did you see our new campaign against Big Oil price gouging working people despite enjoying huge profits? Donate $5 as a recurring member, and receive your very own smoking dinosaur sticker! Read below for more details: ----Begin Forwarded Message----
Big Oil is making record profits and still receives billions of our tax dollars in exchange for literally endangering the survival of the human race. Despite this, these absolute jackals think they can get away with exploiting Putin’s war crimes in Ukraine as an excuse to price-gouge working-class Americans at the gas pump.
John, enough is enough. We are sick and tired of Big Oil and other American oligarchs stealing our resources, raising our costs, and killing our planet. That’s why we are going all-in to beat their favorite politician puppets — like corporate “Democrat” Henry Cuellar.
Join Our Revolution as a $5 sustaining member to help us take on and defeat Big Oil puppets at the ballot box! We’ll send you this awesome smoking dinosaur sticker as well, so don’t delay!
Time is ticking fast, and every day that goes by without action to reduce carbon means our future becomes bleaker. Extreme changes are happening even faster than anticipated, and we are close to the point of no return. We can’t let corporate Democrats like Henry Cuellar do the bidding of the oil industry while the world burns.
Click here to claim your smoking dinosaur sticker and stand against corporate greed!
In solidarity, The whole team at Our Revolution
