There's no more divisive topic than abortion.
But hearts can and DO change on the topic because most abortion supporters don't actually know what they're supporting.
A bicyclist in Yuba City, California unloaded a barrage of stale pro-abortion talking points on 40 Days for Life vigil participants:
- "Women have a choice. It's called bodily autonomy."
- "It's just a clump of cells."
- "Human life has no value."
But campaign co-leader JC was ready. She first got the man to acknowledge that killing a baby after birth is wrong. When she asked him why the child has rights the day after birth but not the day before, he acknowledged late-term abortion is wrong.
JC continued to walk him back through pregnancy until he agreed abortion is wrong after 10 weeks, 8 weeks, 7 weeks.
Finally, he admitted, "I think you might actually have changed my mind."