
The MSM is not going to dupe us into forgetting that the Hillary Clinton campaign spied on Donald Trump WHILE he was President!

This D.C. Swamp creature and her Big Tech allies surveilled our America First President while he was in the White House in order to fuel the phony lies that they levied against Trump throughout his term.
And guess what… They spied on him, and they could be spying on you, too.
That’s how desperate they are to silence Trump and all of his supporters like YOU.

The Clintons of the world will do ANYTHING to stop the power behind our Silent Majority!

But we’re not going anywhere - the America First movement is alive and well here in Arizona. And through the continued support of grassroots, Trump-supporting, freedom-loving patriots, our party is going to stay on the frontlines of this fight against the radicals who want to take us out and install their far-left agenda.
Thanks for showing them we aren’t going anywhere!

For Arizona and America,

Dr. Kelli Ward
Republican Party of Arizona