From CT Democrats <[email protected]>
Subject John, we’re still waiting for your signature
Date March 12, 2022 6:02 PM
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  Links have been removed from this email. Learn more in the FAQ.
John, we’re reaching out to make sure you have the chance to add your name to support early voting in Connecticut.

Click here to sign on in favor of early voting, and keep reading to see our original message! [[link removed]]

Begin Forwarded Message:

John, Connecticut Democrats are working to expand your right to vote, and this November Connecticut voters will get to decide on finally implementing early voting in our state.

Do you want Connecticut to adopt early voting? Add your name here to let us know if you support Connecticut’s Early Voting Amendment on this November’s ballot: [[link removed]]

ADD YOUR NAME [[link removed]]

Connecticut Democrats have worked hard over the last few years to implement both early voting and no-excuse absentee voting in our state.

But last year Connecticut Republicans took a page out of Mitch McConnell’s playbook and stalled the absentee ballot initiative until 2024 at the earliest. As of now, Connecticut is one of only seven states and territories that doesn’t permit early voting.

The last time we polled our supporters asking if Connecticut should implement both early voting and permanent no-excuse absentee voting, 95% of respondents said yes — now Connecticut voters finally get to decide on early voting once and for all this November.

We know the CT GOP will do anything they can to prevent either of these changes from happening, so we need everyone who supports early voting to make their voices heard. Add your name now to support early voting in Connecticut! [[link removed]]

ADD YOUR NAME [[link removed]]

John, early voting lets more people vote, and that’s what democracy is about. Together, let’s continue working to both protect and expand voting rights here in Connecticut.

Thanks for taking action,

Connecticut Democrats
CT Democratic Party
750 Main Street
Suite 1108-3
Hartford, CT 06103
United States
[link removed]
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