AVFCA Religious Exemption Writing Workshop
Now Available Online
Is your Employer, College or School Mandating the COVID or booster vaccine?
Do you have sincerely held religious beliefs against vaccination?
Are you struggling with how to convey your beliefs to your employer/college?
Thousands of people have participated in the Religious Exemption writing workshops put on by A Voice for Choice Advocacy over the past year. We have completed 70+ workshops, with hundreds attending each. Demand seems to be waning, so we decided to create a recording of the workshop, so if you need to write a religious exemption you have all the tools first hand.
Who should watch? Anyone who has an employer or is attending a college/university actively requiring the COVID and/or flu vaccine. The person watching should be the one who the religious exemption is for.
What will you get out of it? You create your own unique Religious Exemptions which includes your own religious truths and no one else's. You will be guided through the process, but no template will be provided, as they have a much higher likelihood of being denied. If you actively participate and formulate your religious beliefs, under Christina's direction, by the end of the hour and a half you will have a solid religious exemption to submit.
Why did A Voice for Choice Advocacy not put out a recording previously? We have assisted over 7000 employees and students get their religious exemptions to COVID and/or flu vaccines successfully accepted. The workshops and the video give a guided approach to writing a religious exemption which is better conveyed live. In order for your religious exemption to be accepted, it is critical is that you write the exemption yourself, and follow the guidance explicitly. That is done more effectively "in-person" than watching a video which you can skip through easily. We want to ensure that your religious exemption is accepted, so if you watch the video to write your religious exemption, please take the time to watch it in totality.
Is there a charge for the workshops? There is no charge for the workshop, but by purchasing the video you will be making a donation of $25 to A Voice for Choice Advocacy. If you truly cannot afford this, please email [email protected] for a discount code. (Note: Other organizations charge $250+ for this information)
Access AVFCA Religious Exemption Workshop Here:
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Together we can make change happen!
Christina Hildebrand
A Voice for Choice Advocacy, Inc.
[email protected]
