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Dear Friend,

Mississippi is at a key moment.  Do we eliminate the state income tax, and make our state more competitive, or do we carry on with the same economic approach that has left us trailing other southern states?
Mississippi can afford to abolish the income tax.  Our state budget has a record-breaking surplus. 
Eliminating the income tax would mean allowing ordinary workers in our state to keep more of their own earnings.  It is not just good for the economy and affordable – it is also morally the right thing to do.
It was wonderful to see almost 50 Mississippi business leaders sign a letter to the legislature in support of income tax elimination. 
This week Speaker Philip Gunn dropped into our studio to share his thoughts, too.

If you are unsure what income tax elimination would mean for you, check out our interactive tool.

Lets hope the House and Senate can reach agreement this week. If not, I hope they hold a special session.

Those progressives that oppose income tax elimination need to stand up and explain why they believe politicians are better at spending Mississippi workers earnings than those Mississippians.
Have a great weekend!

Warm Regards,

Douglas Carswell
President & CEO
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