Plus, Trump's latest statement, Biden's approval rating, and more
Building Our Movement
President Biden on Jan. 20 signed a number of executive orders on his coronavirus, immigration and climate policies. (The Washington Post)
"Trump returning to Georgia to campaign with David Perdue, Herschel Walker"
  • The Russia hoax comes full circle
"Former President Donald Trump is returning to the crucial battleground state of Georgia in two weeks, to hold a campaign-style rally.

Fox News has learned that the event will be held on Saturday, March 26, in Commerce, Georgia, northeast of Atlanta."
~ Fox News
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Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America
"Whatever happened to free speech in our Country? Incredibly, but not surprisingly, the Big Tech lunatics have taken down my interview with the very popular NELK Boys so that nobody can watch it or in any way listen to it. In the 24 hours that it was up it set every record for them, by many times. Interestingly on the show I told them this would happen because Big Tech and the Fake News Media fear the truth, they fear criticism about Biden, and above all, they don’t want to talk about the Rigged 2020 Presidential Election, all topics discussed. In Russia, the people are not allowed to know that they’re fighting a war with Ukraine, that’s where our media is going, and that’s where our Country is going because it quickly follows—just study history. Are we going to allow this to happen? Our Country is going to hell! Look at your gas prices, Inflation, the Afghanistan debacle, our Border, the war with Ukraine, which should have never happened, and so much more. We need freedom of speech again, we don’t have it and it’s getting worse every day!"
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Latest Trump News

"ICE Deportations Drop to All-Time Low Amid Immigration Crisis On U.S. Southern Border" ~ The Daily Wire
Joe Biden Approval Rating:

Approve: 42.9%

Disapprove: 51.7%
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