Why Are the Biden Administration, EU, Appeasing the Iranian Regime?
by Majid Rafizadeh • March 12, 2022 at 5:00 am
Many Iranians, meanwhile, in defiance of Iran's regime, gathered outside the Ukrainian embassy in Tehran to express their support for the Ukrainian people, criticize the Iranian government for supporting Russia, and chanted "Death to Putin".
As police began cracking down on the protesters, the Biden administration and the EU remained silent.
Why are the Biden administration and the EU appeasing the Iranian regime, which has for four decades attacked Americans and carried out terrorist activities and assassinations?
The Biden administration and the other members of the JCPOA nuclear deal negotiated in 2015 (China, France, Russia, the UK and Germany) -- with the European Union -- instead of holding Iran to account, are evidently determined to reward it. It is not quite clear for what. For years of unspeakable behavior, both to its own citizens and internationally?
Meanwhile, as the US has been negotiating this new agreement, US intelligence services have just identified "at least two Iranians" as trying to assassinate former officials of the Trump administration. The Biden administration is said to have been trying to cover up the plot lest it derail the negotiations to shower Iran with "rewards".
The Iranian regime, an official state sponsor of terrorism, has carried out terrorist activities around the world for almost four decades. Why are the Biden administration and the EU not implementing the same policies towards Iran's regime as they are towards Russia?

While the European Union has leveled different kinds of sanctions on Russia, including restricting access to the EU's capital and financial markets, the EU nevertheless continues to appease Moscow's staunch ally, the world's largest sponsor of state terrorism, Iran.
Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei is opportunistically using the humanitarian tragedy in Ukraine to spread the narrative that the war is not Russia's fault, but rather that the West and the "mafia regime" of the US, which is trying to negotiate a new nuclear deal with the mullahs, are to be blamed. Meanwhile, he is trying to advance his country's revolutionary principles and hegemonic ambitions and promoting his long-held anti-American and anti-Western policy.