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Dear John

We’re delighted that so many of you took part in Star Count this year – we'll be sharing the results in the coming weeks and are excited to see how they compare to previous years. If you haven’t had a chance to submit your Star Count from last week, you still can. Also, why not order your copy of Gem and I, a magical children’s book on the importance of dark skies? 

We all know how important access to nature is. But did you know that 1 in 3 don’t have nature near our homes? We’ve backed calls for a legal right to nature – will you add your name to the campaign?  

In other campaigning news, we’re very close to our Cumbria coal mine campaign target - there’s still time to add your name to the petition! 

And if you’re looking for inspiration, we’ve got just what you need. It’s International Women’s Day this month and some of our staff have shared the women who inspire them to campaign for a countryside for everyone.

Finally, with spring approaching there’s so much to look forward to. From buzzing bees to beautiful butterflies, our guide to nature has all you need to enjoy the countryside near you in March. 

Gem and I - get your copy! 


Star Count may be over but don’t worry you can enjoy more starry adventures with our Gem and I book. We still have some copies available for you and the little ones in your life to enjoy. 

Join the campaign to level up access to nature 


We've joined a new campaign calling on the government to guarantee nature for everyone. Will you show the government you want access to nature in every neighbourhood?

Your last chance to tell the government: no new coal mine in Cumbria


More than 9,000 of you have already signed up to say no to a new coal mine in Cumbria. We are so close to hitting our target. Will you add your name to help us reach 10,000 signatures? 

International Women’s Day: Inspiring women


This International Women’s Day we're sharing the stories of the amazing women who inspire us - including Zahrah Mahmood, Rebecca Solnit, and Vandana Shiva.

Your guide to nature in March


The countryside is changing quickly as spring approaches. Flowers are starting to bloom, birds are welcoming the new season with their songs, and butterflies are coming out of hibernation.  

Our guide shows you what to look out for during your walks in nature.

Become a CPRE member


Becoming a CPRE member is the best way to support a beautiful, thriving countryside for all. Not only will you be doing your part for the one of the UK's most influential environmental charities you’ll also receive some great perks! 

We have people all over the UK that can support you with the issues you care about such as climate change, public transport, affordable housing and more. 

You can choose from an individual membership or one for the whole family with a household membership.   


Best wishes,


Tianna Ince

Marketing Assistant 

CPRE is funded by donations from people like you. Together, we can help our beautiful countryside thrive, for everyone’s benefit - now and for generations to come.

Like many other charities, we're still feeling the effects of the coronavirus pandemic. We rely on our supporters’ gifts as they enable us to continue resourcing our important campaigns today and into the future.

Donate now
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