Friends –

We’re at a pivotal moment, and we need our elected leaders to be fierce advocates for reproductive rights and full access to health care. For us – Democratic state attorneys general – this is non-negotiable.

That’s why I’m so proud to announce an unprecedented commitment by the Democratic Attorneys General Association: Beginning with 2020 AG candidates, we will ONLY endorse those who commit to protecting reproductive rights, including the right to access abortion.

This is big. We are taking this action because it is the job of state AGs to fight for justice and for what is right. And we're very proud that it's the first-of-its-kind commitment for any Democratic campaign committee, reinforcing the commitment of the organization, and its Democratic Attorney General leadership, to protecting reproductive health care for all.

In legislatures across the country, we’re seeing some of the most extreme attempts to limit reproductive rights and ban access to abortions – including many restrictions placed before women are even likely to know they are pregnant. On the national level, President Trump is packing the courts with anti-choice judges and attacking health care providers like Planned Parenthood in attempts to do "end runs" around – and eventually try to overturn – Roe v. Wade.

Let me be clear! Reproductive rights are fundamental to equality. And an attack on these rights anywhere is a threat to reproductive health everywhere.

Going forward you can be sure that every dollar we spend will go to elect Democratic AGs who will defend reproductive rights including access to abortion, regardless of a person's income, zip code, or identity.

We trust women. Women have the right to make their own decisions. We trust Democratic AGs to defend that right, and we need grassroots supporters like you to stand with us.

What we do right now will help shape the future of the debate over abortion access, and establish that Democratic groups will lead with courage.

That’s why I’m asking you to add your name and stand side-by-side with DAGA in our unprecedented commitment to reproductive rights. Can we count on you, team?

Click here to stand with the Democratic Attorneys General Association in our first-of-its-kind commitment to electing leaders who will protect access to abortion and send a clear signal that the Democratic party must and will protect reproductive rights.

Ellen Rosenblum

Oregon Attorney General

Co-Chair of the Democratic Attorneys General Association