We are gearing up for a huge challenge this election season, and with a far-right extremist in the race, the stakes have never been higher.

We want to know if you’re ready…

We are gearing up for a huge challenge this election season, and with a far-right extremist in the race, the stakes have never been higher. We need to know if you are with us and ready to work to stop Tina Peters from overseeing Colorado’s elections.

Are you ready to defeat Tina Peters in 2022?


Extremists are running for offices to undermine election administration nationwide. We need someone in office who will uphold the will of the people.

Are you ready to defeat Tina Peters and re-elect Jena Griswold in 2022?


We are at a crucial moment as a country. Jena has proven her ability to expand and defend the right to vote in Colorado. We need to be ready to take on far-right extremist Tina Peters so she can never limit the right to vote in Colorado.

- Team Jena

My name is Jena Griswold. In 2018, I was elected as the first democratic Secretary of State in Colorado since 1958, the first democratic woman Secretary of State in Colorado’s history, and only the 10th woman in Colorado’s history to hold the statewide constitutional office of governor, attorney general, secretary of state, or treasurer!

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Paid for by Jena for Colorado. Rachel Gordon, Registered Agent.

Jena for Colorado
P.O. Box 270218
Louisville, CO 80027
United States