From Adam Schiff <[email protected]>
Subject The GOP wants to repeal Obamacare... again
Date March 11, 2022 7:17 PM
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[ [link removed] ]Adam Schiff for Congress

Look John – you couldn’t make this up if you tried.

After two years of a global pandemic we’re still suffering from, guess
what the GOP’s new talking point is?

That they will repeal Obamacare if they win the White House, Senate, and
House in 2024. No, seriously.

Ron Johnson, the same senior Republican Senator who claimed I weakened
Ukraine because of the impeachment investigations (also ridiculous),
decided he needed to feed his base even more red meat. So he did an
interview with Breitbart and told them his grand plan is to take health
care away from millions.

Let’s just be clear about what repealing the Affordable Care Act would do:
It would kick millions off of their health care plans, raise premiums for
everyone, and end protections for pre-existing conditions.

That is what today’s GOP sees as a winning strategy. Taking away health
care, making it more expensive, and stripping key protections for millions
after our entire world has been struggling with a health crisis.

[ [link removed] ]Plain and simple, we can’t let these people win back the House and
Senate this November. Their vision for America is so bleak, short-sighted,
and just plain wrong. It’s going to take a lot of resources, energy, and
willpower to stave off their attacks on members of the House and Senate
from now to November, and I’d be very grateful for your support of my
efforts in that fight:

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Republicans have tried and failed time and again to repeal the Affordable
Care Act with no plan whatsoever on what to replace it with. We can’t let
them sabotage our health care system — not after all we’ve been through.

We must protect our health care. We must protect our majorities in
Congress. Plain and simple. Thank you for your help today, it truly means
so much to me.

— Adam

150 E. Olive Ave., Suite 208 Burbank CA, 91502

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