In the Media is our daily collection of news and commentary related to secularism, available delivered to your inbox. You can also read the latest news and opinion and listen to our podcasts on our website.
More than a third of Catholic schoolboys in Scotland have sectarian views, according to a study thought to be one of the first to look at the views of
students at some of Scotland's 357 Catholic secondary schools.
The Christ Embassy, which has 90 branches in the UK, has faced a damning report from the charity watchdog which found "serious misconduct" following a
six-year investigation.
The Scottish Catholic Education Service has revealed seven local authorities will not change the current role of Church representatives on education
A prominent member of a Catholic religious order in Salford has voluntarily stepped down from his duties after concerns about what he knew about a
colleague's 'grooming and sexual abuse' of a young woman.
Former altar boys have claimed they were molested by priests inside the Vatican, as a lingering scandal surrounding widespread abuse in the Catholic Church
erupts at its headquarters once again.
A Muslim couple facing allegations of "terror-related offences" can care for three children - but must be monitored by council social services staff, a High
Court judge says.
Plaid Cymru has suspended a party member included in its party election broadcast over allegations of anti-semitism. The party had earlier criticised
"abusive Islamophobic responses" to the broadcast, in which the member wears a niqab.
A leaked 400-page document released by the New York Times reveals new details about how the Chinese have organised the mass detention of more than 1m people
from its Muslim minorities, including the Uyghurs and Kazakhs.
Sukmawati Soekarnoputri, the daughter of Indonesia's first president Sukarno, has been accused of blasphemy after purportedly comparing her father to the
Islamic prophet Muhammad.
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