How do you care?


How do you care? Who’s in your Care Squad?

For the last few weeks, people in New York and Washington, DC have seen ads on buildings and bike share stations asking those questions. The billboards feature beautiful photos of real care teams, and inspire people to think about the care relationships in their own lives.

An animated gif shows an ad featuring care teams in a busy Times Square

An ad on a large building in Washington DC. In the ad, three black women stand together, looking into the camera warmly. Text reads Who's In Your Care Squad? #CareCantWait An illuminated billboard in New York City's Times Square features two portraits of caregiving teams. Underneath, text reads Who's In Your Care Squad? #CareCantWait and Who Do You Care For? #CareCantWait
A five-story billboard on the side of a building features the portrait of two women exchanging a hug. One of them is in a wheelchair, the other wears scrubs. Text on the billboard reads How Do You Care? #CareCantWait An ad on a bikeshare station features a photo of two men, one sitting in a wheelchair. Text on the ad reads Who Do You Care For? #CareCantWait. In the background, the US Treasury Department Building is visible.

So, how do you care? Who cares for you? Who do you care for? Who’s in your Care Squad?

Let us know what care looks like in your life. You can upload a photo if you want, too.

With care,

Ifetayo Harvey, Social Media Manager
Caring Across Generations

PS – We’ll be talking about the billboards and answering these questions in a Twitter chat today at 1pm Eastern / 10am Pacific. Join us by using the hashtag #PortraitsOfCare!


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