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Putting Taxpayers First
File Photo (12/26/21): Chairman Kyle Hupfer speaks on All INdiana Politics about the automatic taxpayer refund.
The 2022 legislative session has officially come to a close, and thanks to Gov. Holcomb and our Republican legislators, Hoosier taxpayers have won once again.

As I noted last December, due to hardworking Hoosiers and an unprecedented amount of reserves, 4.3 million Hoosiers will be receiving a $125 refund after filing their 2021 taxes, putting an estimated $545 million back into their pockets. And with the passage of SEA 1, a 2022 Next Level Agenda bill of Gov. Holcomb's, even more Hoosiers will be eligible for the refund, which represents a one-time 12-13% tax cut. 

Additionally, Republican legislators passed HEA 1002, a historic $1 billion tax cut, and another one of Gov. Holcomb's 2022 Next Level Agenda bills. This bill will drop the state's individual income tax rate from 3.23% to 2.90% over a timeframe of seven years. And once the tax cut is fully phased in, our state will tie North Dakota for the lowest individual income tax rate in the nation! HEA 1002 will also help Hoosiers save money by eliminating the 1.46% utility receipt tax, requiring electric utilities to calculate rate reductions or decrease Hoosiers' bills. 

These are the type of results that our state has come to expect from Republicans' solutions-centered leadership. 

Be on the lookout over the next couple of weeks as we highlight other wins from the 2022 legislative session.

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Chairman Kyle Hupfer
Governor Holcomb's Week That Was
Signing Bills Into Law
Gov. Holcomb signs HEA 1001, the bill that officially ended the public health emergency, into law on Thursday, March 3, 2022.
With Sine Die called shortly after midnight on Wednesday, March 9, the 2022 legislative session has officially come to a close. Over the next few days, bills passed will head to Gov. Holcomb's desk for final approval; he will have the option to sign or veto each bill or let it become law without his signature. 

“I’m pleased our agenda items have passed and more importantly that taxpayers will feel the benefits of tax cuts, elimination and refunds. We’ll get to work with the new tools we’ve obtained, and I’ll immediately turn my attention to the careful review of all remaining legislation soon to arrive on my desk," stated Gov. Holcomb.

As of Thursday afternoon,  Gov. Holcomb had signed three of his 2022 Next Level Agenda bills into law, including:
  • SEA 1 - Automatic Taxpayer Refund
  • SEA 294 - Law Enforcement Training Board
  • HEA 1313 - Screening Children for Lead Poisoning
You can keep track of which bills have made it to Gov. Holcomb's desk by clicking here
Speaking on the Bipartisan Innovation Act at the White House
On Thursday, Gov. Holcomb was invited to the White House to speak on the need to pass the bipartisan Innovation and Competition Act, co-authored by Sen. Todd Young, which addresses U.S. technology and communications, foreign relations and national security, domestic manufacturing, education, trade, and other matters; the bill passed the Senate in June 2021 but hasn't been acted on in the House. 

Included in the bill is the $52 billion Creating Helpful Incentives to Produce Semiconductors for America (CHIPS) Act, which would promote the research, development, and fabrication of semiconductors here in the U.S.

Following the meeting, Gov. Holcomb released the following statement:

"It’s crucial that Congress come together and pass a bipartisan innovation package to address the supply shortage of semiconductors and invest in key technologies that will put our country in the pole position.

"This legislation will grow domestic manufacturing, support the development of cutting-edge technological innovation and create a high-tech workforce to continue our state’s economic competitive edge on a global scale.

"The meeting illustrated the need for government, industry and academia to join together and tell Congress to send a bipartisan innovation bill to the President’s desk faster than an Indy race car."

You can read more here.
Students for Todd Young Release Video
Liam Putz, Chairman of the Indiana Federation of College Republicans, announces the organization's effort to reelect Todd Young to the U.S. Senate.
Students for Todd Young released a video on Wednesday from the Chairman of the Indiana Federation of College Republicans, Liam Putz, announcing the organization's effort to reelect Todd Young and encourage other students to join in the fight to take our country back.

From the Todd Young campaign:

"I’m proud to announce that my campaign has Hoosier students organized at over 20 of our colleges and universities in support of my re-election campaign.

"Elections are about the future, that’s why it’s so encouraging to have so many young people working alongside me to tackle the surging cost of college, drive down 40-year high inflation, and create more good-paying jobs right here in Indiana.

"If you’re interested in joining me in getting our country back on track, join Students for Todd Young today."
Visit Students for Todd Young
Chairman Kyle Hupfer on the Conclusion
of the 2022 Legislative Session
For a text version of his statement, click here.
Sen. Mike Braun Tops List of Most Bills Passed
Despite being in the minority party, Sen. Mike Braun sponsored three bills that were enacted into law so far in the 117th Congress, giving him the most bills signed into law this session of any Republican member of Congress.

Sen. Braun has led a number of bipartisan legislative efforts to address issues facing Hoosiers that were signed into law, from creating a program to actively hire veterans and transitioning servicemembers, to fixing a broken grant program burdening teachers with unfair loans, to helping ALS patients access their Social Security benefits. 

“I came to D.C. to use my real-world experience building a business to deliver results for Hoosier families, and I’m proud to top the list of most bills passed into law this session of Congress – the most of any Republican. Three of my bills have been signed into law already, and I’m working every day to add to that number with real solutions to put Hoosiers and Americans first," stated Sen. Braun.

Read more about the bills here
2022 Indiana Republican Party State Convention

The 2022 Indiana Republican Party State Convention will take place on Saturday, June 18, 2022, at Indiana Farmer's Coliseum in Indianapolis, Ind. for the purpose of nominating a candidate for secretary of state, auditor of state, and treasurer of state.

For hotel accommodation information, delegate counts by county, and to pay your individual delegate fee, click the button below.

More Information
Chairman Hupfer's Social Media Highlights
Stay up-to-date on the latest from Chairman Kyle Hupfer by following him on Facebook and Twitter.

This week: Calling out Joe Biden's hypocrisy on buying American and highlighting how out of touch the Administration is. 
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News You Can Use

Governor Eric Holcomb
Joins a panel with the White House

Lt. Governor Suzanne Crouch
Announces the successes of the Indiana General Assembly 

Treasurer Kelly Mitchell
Celebrates the 2022 Hoosier Women Artists exhibition

Auditor Tera Klutz 
Speaks to Hancock County Republicans 

Secretary of State Holli Sullivan
Visits Randolph County on her 92-county tour

Attorney General Todd Rokita 
Celebrates Women's History Month and the women who serve on his staff

Senator Todd Young
Shares about Indiana Historical Society's new exhibit honoring Eva Korr

Senator Mike Braun
Urges Biden to restore American energy independence

Congresswoman Jackie Walorski
Supports legislation to reopen the Capitol to the public

Congressman Jim Banks
Speaks on Mornings with Maria about the oil crisis

Congressman Jim Baird
Shares the soaring gas prices in Crawfordsville

Congresswoman Victoria Spartz
Speaks about Ukraine on Fox & Friends

Congressman Greg Pence
 Visits with Rising Sun High School students on their trip to D.C.

Congressman Larry Bucshon
Shares high gas prices from towns in Indiana's 8th District

Congressman Trey Hollingsworth
Notes support for Mental Health Access Improvement Act and
SUPPORT for Patients and Communities Act

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