Cracked. Climate change is a hoax. A massively funded hoax.
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Breaking news stories the media complex won't cover. Share widely.

For more information on any post below, click through to read the full article on our website.

John Kerry: Ukraine crisis is bad, but ‘wait until you see’ flood of climate refugees
The Biden Administration's climate czar John Kerry is perhaps the most dangerous person in America. It is Kerry who is the driving force behind the Biden Administration's war on America's fossil fuel industry, that has led to massive inflation and ...

Watch: DeSantis destroys reporter over dishonest question over Florida gender education bill
More outstanding work from Governor DeSantis. He knows how to deal with the corrupt mainstream media. One of many reasons why Governor DeSantis will one day be POTUS.

Related – Gov. Ron DeSantis Proves Conservatives Can Beat LGBT-Obsessed ...

Pulitzer Prize NY Times Reporter January 6th Admissions: FBI Involved, Event Was Not Organized Despite Ongoing Narrative
The left knows exactly what is doing. They aren't clueless, they are complicit. Great work by Project Veritas.  Pulitzer Prize winning reporter Matthew Rosenberg reveals shocking details on the inner workings at The Times. Watch Part 1 and Part 2 ...

U.S. intelligence shows Iran threats on U.S. soil, but Blinken and Schiff say this shouldn’t derail new nuclear deal
You ain't seen nothing yet. Iran will be far more dangerous after the Biden Administration signs off on the Russia-China brokered Iran nuclear deal. A deal that floods the terror state with tens of billions of dollars in sanctions relief.

There ...

Republicans Introduce ‘No Oil from Terrorists’ Act in Bid to Thwart Biden’s Terror Plans: Report
From day one of this fraudulent administration, the Biden regime shutdown American oil production – and now plans to enrich the world's largest sponsor of terror, Iran and the brutal dictatorship of Venezuela's Maduro. This is the act of an enemy ...

Watch: Republican Senator Hagerty on Senate floor: Congress must have a say in Iran nuclear agreement
Senator Hagerty: “This Administration would rather work with killers than American drillers […] If the Biden Administration refuses to submit its new Iran agreement to Congress, it will be ignoring the law and undermining the role of this body ...

Russia, China Accuse U.S. of Making Biological Weapons in Ukraine – Demand Confidential Info
Americans must demand the truth.

Russia, China Accuse U.S. of Making Biological Weapons in Ukraine – Demand Confidential Info

By: Keely Sharp, March 9, 2022

On Tuesday, the Foreign Ministry of Russia claimed they have ...

Poll: Most Americans Blame Biden For Ukraine, Want More U.S. Energy Production To Fight Sky-High Gas Prices
Despite a tsunami of lies, disinformation and Democrat-media fake news, there remains Americans who can still actually think.

Poll: Most Americans Blame Biden For Ukraine, Want More U.S. Energy Production To Fight Sky-High Gas Prices

By: ...

Deleted Uncovered Web Pages Show Barack Obama Led an Effort to Build a Ukraine-Based BioLab Handling ‘Especially Dangerous Pathogens’
The frauduent Biden regime and their Democrat media complex is scrubbing and censoring this terrible, horrible, development in the Russia/Ukraine conflict. They are such liars –and they hate you.

VIDEO: Russia Tells the US “We Have Found ...

Hijacking Solidarity: Antisemites Exploit Ukraine’s Suffering
Totally shameless. The Jew-hating and antisemitic Left never saw a crisis that it did not hijack to attack the Jews. According to the pro-Israel advocacy group “Stand with Us” online antisemitic content has increased by 1280% since Russia's ...

VIDEO: Russia Tells the US “We Have Found Your Biological Weapons”
After Biden's US Under Secretary of State Victoria Nuland admitted to being concerned about biological research – weapons of mass destruction – labs falling into Russia hands, the Biden regime went into complete denial mode. Lies, lies and more ...

Terror-Linked CAIR Board Member Appointed To Bench In New Jersey
It should be fundamental that anyone serving a terror-tied group should be exempt from judicial appointments. But in Democrat America, they are elevated to frightening positions of power.

Nadia Kahf is receiving notoriety for being one of the ...

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