UPDATE: We're just $3,675 away from meeting our match challenge but incoming donations are not keeping pace with what's needed to make our goal, friend!! As we head into the most important election year of our lifetime, we can't afford to leave even one penny of these vital matching funds on the table! So we need an immediate influx of fully MATCHED donations -- including at least 2 donations from your state -- before tonight! Please donate anything you can right away and today your gift will be DOUBLED!>> PFAW Member, Republicans in the Senate JUST used their rubber-stamp majority to confirm one of Trump's WORST judicial nominees yet … and, shamefully, it was right on the heels the New York Times reporting on the nominee Steven Menashi's part in an illegal scheme with Education Secretary Betsy DeVos to deny debt relief to students who were ripped off by greedy for-profit universities! Nearly every Republican voted “yes” to confirm Menashi, a Trump White House lawyer, who was hand-selected by Trump for a lifetime seat on one of our nation’s most powerful courts – the very same federal appeals court that just issued a ruling against Trump’s efforts to hide his tax returns from prosecutors in New York. Menashi is a radical right-wing extremist who, in his many writings, has expressed blatant hostility towards the LGBTQ+ community, women, low-income families, Muslims, and immigrants. But he’s not the first unfit, unethical bigot nominated by Trump or confirmed by Mitch McConnell’s Republican majority to a lifetime seat on the federal bench. And he might not be the last. This is a stark reminder of how urgent it is that we not just defeat Trump in the coming election, but that we END McConnell’s disastrous GOP majority and TAKE BACK THE SENATE. So a longtime PFAW donor is MATCHING all online donations up to $50,000 through Sunday to help us save our courts by defeating Trump Republicans. We have only through the end of the weekend to meet this match challenge and, at this critical time of year, heading into the most important elections of our lifetime, we cannot afford to leave even one penny of it on the table. Your MATCHED early renewal donation for 2020 will be put to work immediately in top-tier Senate target states like Iowa, Arizona, Colorado, and North Carolina to hold Republican senators in those states accountable for their support of Steven Menashi. We have a refreshed online video, boots on the ground, and a campaign plan to keep the heat on these senators and others all the way through Election Day 2020. But we need every last bit of support that we can muster from our members. It’s the courts … it’s self-professed “Grim Reaper” Mitch McConnell’s legislative graveyard … it’s Republican senators’ shameless enabling of and sucking up to Donald Trump, going so far as to try to whitewash his lawbreaking… We can’t afford not to hold Republicans accountable and take back the Senate because it’s unlikely that Democrats will get a map as favorable for a long time, with this many blue states and swing states having Republican incumbent senators on the ballot for reelection. Thank you for all you do! -- Ben Betz, Digital Advocacy Director