We’re mounting a flurry of potent campaigns in tandem with this year’s publication of our latest book-length mindbomb, The Third Force: Field Guide to a New World Order.
Weekly transmission from Adbusters Media Foundation
TrueCost: Solution to the climate crisis.
Times are rough. The stakes are high. Extinction looms in everything from climate breakdown to zoonotic spillover to nuclear war.
But it’s exactly for these reasons that fiercely independent publishing is so vital — and so exciting.
Only by being armed with truth and righteous fury do we have a shot at steering humanity onto a bold new path. Only in the cracks of the old world does a new one have a chance to flourish.
That’s why we’re mounting a flurry of potent campaigns in tandem with this year’s publication of our latest book-length mindbomb, The Third Force: Field Guide to a New World Order.
With all cylinders firing, we’re setting the agenda for a future that computes. Take part by becoming a member of the Third Force!
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