A few years ago, I realized that the students in my classes had written essays on all sorts of subjects in school and college. However, they'd never been asked to write thoughtfully about themselves on their own past experiences, personalities and visions for their futures. This struck me as strange since there's nothing more important to get straight than your personal experience.
I started to search for psychological interventions that could be used to clarify and improve people's lives. I already knew that people lived inside the stories they told about themselves and used those stories to interpret everything around them.
For this reason, we developed the Self Authoring Suite - a set of four interactive online writing programs and are offering them to anyone who wants to concentrate on improving their life.
If you want to understand yourself better, become less anxious, and write your own story, I recommend the programs.
The Full Self Authoring Suite is now available for $29.99 which includes a free second copy for a friend.