Friend, if you watched California Governor Gavin Newsom’s State of the State address Tuesday, you heard him say a lot of great things.

  • Amid rising gas prices, Governor Newsom opposed increasing oil drilling, declaring that he wants to free California “once and for all from the grasp of petro-dictators.”
  • He made the case for “fighting polluters, not bolstering them” after years of climate chaos devastating communities up and down the state.
  • He lamented how dependent our society is on fossil fuels, calling clean energy “this generation’s greatest economic opportunity.”

Here’s the thing, friend: We need more than good rhetoric on climate. We need bold action, and we need it NOW.

Governor Newsom’s first budget proposal — which earmarks $37 billion for climate action — is a significant first step. But budgets are moral documents, and a $37 billion investment in climate change, while historic, is still about 2-3% of the state budget over five years.

We are in a historic crisis, with a historic budget surplus. We have the resources to move California, and the world, forward toward climate justice. It's time to use them.

Through our multifaceted advocacy efforts, we are pushing state leaders to dedicate over 5% of the annual budget to climate action, this year and every year. Can you chip in a few dollars to support this important work?

In his speech, Governor Newsom highlighted #TheCaliforniaWay, with the state serving as a beacon of democracy and diversity against the backdrop of the “authoritarian impulses” and “agents of a national anger machine” elsewhere in America and around the globe.

He told the world that #TheCaliforniaWay was to dream big and build bigger — specifically, to build a diverse and democratic state powered by clean energy. But he needs to put our money where Californians clearly demand progress and action.

Right now is a critical time, friend. The Governor’s proposals are going to the State Legislature to try to turn these words into action. Our voices are never more important than during this process.

California Environmental Voters is hard at work making sure Governor Newsom and state leaders hear our voices calling for climate justice, carbon neutrality, and clean energy. Make a donation today to amplify our accountability work

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The world follows where California leads on climate action, democracy, and social justice. If we fight for and fund a fossil-free future, others will follow.

(After all, it's #TheCaliforniaWay.)

Samuel Sukaton
State Advocacy Coordinator
California Environmental Voters
(formerly California League of Conservation Voters)


California Environmental Voters (formerly CLCV)
350 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza #1100 | Oakland, California 94612
+15102710900 | [email protected]

California Environmental Voters (EnviroVoters), formerly California League of Conservation Voters, exists to build the political power to solve the climate crisis, advance justice, and create a roadmap for global action. To protect our air, land, water, and future, we organize voters, elect and train candidates, and hold lawmakers accountable for bold policy change. Our vision is to solve the climate crisis, build resilient, connected, healthy communities, and create a democracy and economy that is just and sustainable for all.

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