Cease Fire PA Action


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We’re gearing up for a massive advocacy day at the PA State Capitol because this epidemic deserves a powerful movement that advances impactful solutions. This week, we received a donation of $65,000 from a supporter of our organization. If we can raise an additional $35,000, we can widen the scope of our work immediately, and give legislators no choice but to listen to hundreds of survivors and advocates, demanding action in unison. This unexpected donation is transformational, but if we can reach $100k for this effort in these few weeks, we’ll be able to hold influence over the political dynamics of this entire conversation in Harrisburg.  Will you chip in $15 to help us hit that goal?

We are at an urgent focal point. Just last week, we learned that the rate of gun violence for 2021 in Philadelphia outpaced the nine other most populous cities in the country. Philadelphia is already outpacing the bloodshed of last year by 10%. Major news headlines splash across our screens, sharing the stories of violence in Philadelphia on a daily basis, but the crisis of gun violence is at each of our doorsteps, no matter where we live in Pennsylvania. In Johnstown, Upper Darby, Erie, and Pittsburgh, gun violence is tearing apart families and terrorizing our entire communities.

Will you chip in $15 now to get us to the next stage of the work?

There are basic laws we can pass that would dramatically lower gun violence in our communities, but a political majority and their membership on key committees stand in the way. The direction Pennsylvania is heading should scare us all, and this violence will continue to accelerate if we don’t shift the direction of this conversation toward centering those most directly impacted and the solutions that will actually work.

We need to get survivors of gun violence in front of these lawmakers, and we need to force them to listen and to care. We need universal background checks. We need lost and stolen gun reporting requirements. We need extreme risk protection orders, waiting periods for gun sales, and safe gun storage to keep Pennsylvania kids safe from harm. With your donation, we’re one huge step closer to securing co-sponsorships for each of these proposals.

Donate now. Donate for the person you’ve lost. Donate so the next generation of kids won’t have to know what it feels like to fear a mass shooting at their school.

Every donation helps us make the legislative reality match the public support by advocating with legislators, sharing stories of survivors, bringing another young person who will be able to advocate for their future to those who actually decide the laws of Pennsylvania. 

Thank you for standing with us. 





P.O. Box 60095  | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19102
215-923-3151 | [email protected]

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