Dear friend,
I just got back from FAMM’s recent Lobby Day Event on Capitol Hill. More than 40 FAMM members and staff gathered for three days to push for the EQUAL Act, the First Step Implementation Act, and prison oversight. As a longtime member of FAMM, I've attended several of these events, and at each one, I learn and grow more. I am now a FAMM Justice Fellow, and it's an honor to see again and again that we are all in this together.

Among so many highlights were meetings with the White House, the Department of Justice (DOJ), and several members of Congress. In our meeting with the DOJ, the three top law enforcement officials in the country, led by Attorney General Merrick Garland, listened intently as FAMM members shared their stories. These leaders told us they were grateful to hear our perspective and how the laws and policies they enforce affect real people. Sen. Cory Booker paid a surprise visit to one of the meetings, and his enthusiasm and respect for our work and the families was empowering.
It did my heart such good to see family members connecting with one another because I know all too well that when a loved one goes to prison, the whole family serves the time. I loved overhearing a man, just six weeks home from more than 25 years behind bars, telling a woman whose husband is serving life to not lose hope. I watched as a young woman whose father won’t be home for decades found purpose and inspiration.
At one point, we went on a tour of the DOJ. It's a massive place, humbling in its way. I felt the power of those walls, in which so much is decided about the lives of our loved ones. I felt proud to be with FAMM and to know that people in power are listening. We have a voice.
Veda Ajamu
FAMM Justice Fellow
P.S. You can keep the fight going at home. Contact Congressional leaders today in support of the EQUAL Act: