War in Ukraine +Defending the Right to Abortion
Episode 101 uploaded March 6 Sam Goldman interviews Marc Eliot Stein with World Beyond War on Russia’s attack on Ukraine and what comes next.
Then, we share voices from the abortion rights speak-out Feb. 27 in
front of St. Patrick’s Cathedral, New York City hosted by, which called on people to take to the streets for
International Women’s Day on March 8.

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Marches yesterday on International Women's Day were powerful - Help Step It Up
from RiseUp4AbortionRights:

On March 8 – International Women’s Day – in rallies and marches in New York and 12 other cities across the country people declared their refusal to let the Supreme Court decimate women’s rights and gut or eliminate the right to abortion.
marched through the streets of Manhattan, Los Angeles, and Berkeley.
There were protests on college campuses in California and Texas, and by
high school students in several locations. One woman decorated her
pickup with Rise Up 4 Abortion Rights banners and drove 500 miles from
Little Rock to Austin. Prominent speakers and veteran fighters for
women’s rights spoke in New York and Los Angeles, and in many places
there was an important representation of fierce young people.

Many protesters just about everywhere wore green bandanas – like
the women of Argentina and Colombia, who recently won historic
victories for abortion rights by taking to the streets in sustained and
growing protest, has taken up the green
bandana as a symbol of resistance.
Here is the plan
to intensify and
broaden the fight to defend the right to abortion in the weeks ahead.
Stay tuned for what you can do specifically, and meanwhile spread the
Saturday or Sunday March 19/20 mass meetings to get organized
Friday April 8 Wear green
Saturday April 9 Back in the streets with mass protests and
Saturday/Sunday March 19/20 mass meetings to get organized
Friday April 8 wearing green
Saturday April 9 and back in the streets with mass protests and
Refuse Fascism national team
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