Hi PFAW Member, The match challenge deadline is coming up fast so I wanted to make sure you saw my note. I’m the donor who put up the money for the current match offer to help PFAW stop Trump and Mitch McConnell’s assault on our federal courts, including the Supreme Court, by defeating Trump and flipping control of the Senate in 2020. I did not know where to take my concern about the courts until I turned to PFAW in the 1980s… I believe the Framers wanted a judiciary that would prevent the hijacking of our legal process by people hostile to constitutional protections. That’s one of the reasons I’ve been a consistent supporter of PFAW for nearly 40 years, going all the way back to my first donation in 1982! And it’s why I hope you’ll join me by meeting my match challenge and renewing your 2020 PFAW membership before next Tuesday with a donation that I will personally match, dollar-for-dollar, up to $50K. We only have $12,019 to go! Please don't let us fail to complete this match challenge to stop Trump and McConnell! Here’s why I’m so eager to help PFAW raise $100,000 for their work to save our federal courts – and our country – in 2020, by putting up half of it for this match challenge. I received a warning almost 20 years ago that could not have been more prescient. It was from PFAW and it came printed on campaign button, playing off the iconic mantra of Bill Clinton’s 1992 presidential campaign, “It’s the Economy, Stupid,” the button read, “It’s the Supreme Court, Stupid!” A few months later, the question of who would become our next president was answered by a one-vote conservative majority on the Supreme Court in Bush v. Gore. A right-wing Supreme Court majority would go on to deliver one blow after another to our democracy – from gutting the Voting Rights Act to upholding partisan gerrymandering. Now, with one Supreme Court seat STOLEN by Mitch McConnell (remember Merrick Garland?) and two Trump-nominated far-right justices confirmed to lifetime appointments by McConnell’s rubber-stamp GOP Senate majority, Roe v. Wade, LGBTQ equality, workers’ rights, civil rights, and countless environmental protections are all in this Court’s crosshairs. The situation is just as dire throughout our lower federal courts with Trump and McConnell’s record-breaking stacking of the bench with unfit, extreme right-wing judges. But thanks to the dogged work of PFAW and the dedication of members like you, a backlash is brewing. With your help, if we act quickly and decisively, we can defeat Trump, take back the Senate, and finally chart a new course for the Supreme Court and our lower federal courts in 2020. If you choose to stand with PFAW in this fight by renewing your 2020 membership with a donation before November 19, I will double your gift with a 100% MATCH. Please renew with a fully MATCHED donation immediately>> We need a judicial selection process designed to ensure the separation of powers through an independent judiciary … we get there by WINNING in 2020. I know you get it, and it’s probably one of the reasons – if not the main reason – that you, like me, support People For the American Way. We can get the job done. But only together and only if we all play whatever part we’re able to in our shared fight for the American Way. From one supporter to another, thank you in advance for standing with PFAW and joining me in what I consider a deeply patriotic investment. In solidarity, Tom Wallace Lyons ![]()