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Thursday, March 10th, 2022

A Man for All Seasons

Ira Katz

Boom: Florida Takes on the Fanatics Again

Tom Woods

The Torturers’ Apprentice

Andrew P. Napolitano

Who Is Fact Checking The New York Times Fact Check of the Rogan Interview of Robert Malone?

Steve Kirsch

17 Reasons Why It Is Irrational To Trust the Medical Community Regarding the Covid Vaccines

Resisting the Intellectual Illiteratti

What’s Really Up with Ukraine? Deep State Seeking New World Order

Alexandra Bruce

Victoria Nuland: Ukraine Has ‘Biological Research Facilities,’ Worried Russia May Seize Them

Glenn Greenwald

CDC/FDA Smoking Gun of Smoking Guns

Jon Rappoport

Ukraine, It Was All Written in the Rand Corp Plan

Manlio Dinucci

Covid Infections in Britain are Rising Again, And 90 Percent of the Dead Are Vaccinated.

Alex Berenson

Is Dying in Military Training Worse than Dying in Combat?

Laurence M. Vance

Russia’s Judo Kick to the Western Financial Gut

Pepe Escobar

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