It's your weekly Democratic Dispatch ✨



We did it everyone! We survived caucus week! A HUGE thank you to all of our Caucus Heroes who worked hard to uphold our democracy amid a pandemic and a whole new set of rules. We couldn't do it without you!


From Chair, Morgan Caroll:


"I am so grateful to all of our Caucus Heroes - our county party officers, volunteers, and more. You are the unsung heroes pulling off caucuses in a pandemic with new laws.  "


Colorado Dems Stand With Ukraine


While Colorado Democrats are standing firm with the people of Ukraine, Coloradans are seeing and feeling the effects of sanctions and the new oil and gas import ban from Russia. However we can stand with Ukraine and fight for working families.


Governor Jared Polis announced he signed a letter with governors from across the country urging the U.S. Congress to suspend the federal gas tax to help provide savings and real relief for Americans struggling to keep up with gas prices as a result of Russia’s aggression and engagement in a dangerous geopolitical conflict in Ukraine. This would save over $.18 per gallon.


We have also offered refuge to those fleeing the conflict. Congressman Neguse joined nearly 100 of his colleagues to request Temporary Protected Status (TPS), Deferred Enforced Departure (DED), and Special Student Relief (SSR) for Ukraine refugees and a 180-day registration period and the launch of a culturally competent outreach campaign to notify the impacted community of the decision.



We've Got Mail: Postal Service Reform Act of 2021


Yesterday the bipartisan Postal Service Reform Act of 2021 passed the Senate after having cosponsors in both chambers.


What does this mean:

  • Mandates six-day-a-week delivery, which is a needed lifeline for those who get mail- order prescription drugs, and people in rural areas.
    • USPS is required to serve all addresses in the country. Private delivery companies like FedEx and UPS can pick and choose where they want to deliver, and often rely on USPS to reach rural areas.
  • Removes the onerous retiree pre-funding requirement
    • In 2006, Congress passed a postal reform bill that required USPS to prefund 75 years worth of retiree benefits—which, by definition, would mean USPS has to plan for the retirement of people who have not even been born yet.
  • Allows USPS to offer non-postal services at its locations
  •  Requires USPS to develop a public online dashboard with national and local performance data, to provide additional transparency about on-time mail delivery

  • Expands special rates for local newspaper distribution to support local news

  • Estimated to save $22.7 billion over ten years

What doesn't this do?

  • This bill does not change prices of stamps or shipping

🌟2022 5th Annual Obama Gala Award Winners Announced 🌟 


Rising Star 🌟:

Rep. Monica Duran



Outreach 🤝:

Rep. Brianna Titone



Rural Outreach 🤝:

Sen. Kerry Donovan



Murphy Roberts ☀️:

Isabel Watson



Dem of Year 🙌:

Secretary Jena Griswold



Lifetime Achievement 💙:

Sandy Baca-Sandoval



Volunteer of the Year 👑:

Lori Goldstein

Anita Weber



Tech Volunteers of the Year 💻:

Sasha Davis

Jennifer Filipowski

Tom “Tmo” Morrissey

Bruce Norikane

James Reyes

Kathryn Wallace



Chair’s Award 🥇:

Larry Cooper

Maria Keenan

John Mikos

Corey Nikoloric

Halisi Vinson



Susan Glass dreams big for Colorado Democrats. As a lifelong Democrat from Jefferson County she has worked on campaigns since the 1970s, but it’s her latest project that has her so excited about the 2022 elections. “Something we need more of are signs, LOTS of signs,” she said recently.


Beginning in 2016 Susan decided that Democrats needed signs along the highway to promote candidates. It’s a successful project that she plans to continue this year.


“In 2016 I would drive up I-70 from Lakewood to Denver after working in the Hillary Coordinated Campaign Office and see a big banner for a Republican candidate.  I was pretty traumatized looking at it every day, day in and day out.  I needed to do something.  No one wanted to spend money that we didn’t have. We were suffering the trauma of the Trump years and everybody wanted to do something to ‘save’ us.  I thought back on that one Republican banner and wanted banners but still didn’t have the money,” she explained. 


In 2018 I received a call from a loyal volunteer who wanted Trump gone. I suggested that he and I bankroll 8’ X 10’ banners. We made 14 banners for a little over $300. Volunteers hand painted white sheets to match campaign signs.  What a use of man-power, supplies, talent, and dedication and  it was all done in two and half weeks.  We used the signs at many locations including along the side of the road, highways, and in parades.


Susan’s best sign was during the 2020 campaign that called out Sen. Cory Gardner. The sign read “So many questions, so few answers,” which Susan said hit Cory Gardner’s last nerve on many levels.  “I needed to get his attention and I got it!  All materials were from Dollar Tree, and only cost two dollars.  It was made in 20 minutes and the joke was it was the $2.00 sign that took down a senator.  This sign was in a collage of pictures on the Rachel Maddow Show, and it was my Gold Medal for getting my sign seen. Use your resources to make a statement.” 


“My dream for 2022 is to hang Democrat banners along I-25 from the New Mexico border all the way to Wyoming, and on I-70 from Burlington to Grand Junction.  On weekends people can stand on all the bridges to greet everyone that does not know whom to vote for….Democrats of course.  Let everyone know what we stand for, what is important and that you can go to the Democrats to get it done with little or no money,” she concluded. 


Innovative Bills to Save People Money on Housing Introduced


Legislation will invest $65 million in pandemic relief funds to spur development of innovative housing and expand access to “missing middle” workforce housing.


“Coloradans across the state are struggling to afford a place to live, and the time to act is now,” said Sen. Rachel Zenzinger, D-Arvada. “This bill will improve support systems for middle income families whose modest resources squeeze them between skyrocketing housing costs and ineligibility for assistance, save people money, and help more Colorado families thrive.”



Monte Vista Crane Festival

March 11 - 13

Sandhill Cranes and other migratory birds follow a long route during their seasonal migrations. Along the way, there are many places where you can stop and view these beautiful creatures. So what makes the Monte Vista Crane Festival Unique? We believe it is a combination of unmatched scenery, exceptional wildlife viewing, and the friendly, welcoming communities of the San Luis Valley.


At the Monte Vista Crane Festival you can enjoy thousands of Sandhill Cranes, ducks, and geese flying against a backdrop of mountain scenery. Raptors will adorn the power poles and owls will be sitting with their young. A visit to the Monte Vista Crane Festival is an opportunity to see an amazing natural spectacle as well as experience a unique rural community.




Date: Saturday, June 4th

Join us in celebrating the 2020 and 2021 Election accomplishments! Join old friends and meet new allies from across our state to kick off the work needed to elect Democrats across Colorado in 2022. Space will be limited due to COVID-19, so tickets will sell out FAST! Buy your ticket or become a sponsor *now* before the year is over! Or join us for a virtual option!


Visit the website to buy tickets this Friday!


Email [email protected] to join our scholarship waitlist.


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